This cant be happening

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⚠️Mentions of suicidal thoughts⚠️
march 12 at the hospital
"By any chance did Amelia know a James Peterson?" Emily asks the family. "Well yeah they were engaged while she was up in LA" Addison explains to her. "why did it end?" Emily says curiously, "well Amelia decided she wasn't ready for it and then she moved here." Addie continues. "We think he may have her but we just wanted to make sure before we went." Emily says with some hope coming back to her body. "Well hopefully the next time I see you I have Amelia with me." the agent says with a smile .
Emily meets JJ back at the Suv. "well what did they say?" JJ asks her. "He's our guy all Hotch." Emily says to the blonde sitting next to her. Soon after they all get on a group call with Garcia. "Garcia do you have an address?" Rossi asks the bubbly tech analyst. "When do I not it's 3464 pike lane James' family farm." The women explains to them as they put the address into google maps. "Our estimated ETA is 20 minutes" Reid tells the girls. "Well make it 10," Emily tells them seriously.

At the Farm
All Amelia can think about is how she ended up in this position and how she wishes she was dead. She was mentally and physically drained she couldn't do it anymore. But she did realize something from the time she's been there. One of the mystery men was her ex James Patterson, he looks different his hairs blonde and he's put on a lot of weight. But Amelia didn't care about that she wanted to be in heaven with her older brother.
The team pulls up to the farm and see a trail of blood going into the barn. "This is definitely our place" JJ says. "ok guys on my count we go in." Emily tells them "1...2...3... GO" Team rushes inside. "Uhhh guys we have a problem they found us" James tells the other 2 men. Amelia starts to feel some hope in her body again. "PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" the team yells as they go in. Derek handcuffs Matthew Rossi handcuffs the mystery man as Hotch and Spencer chase and cuff James. "You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law..." the men recite the speech. JJ and Emily rush over to Amelia. Emily puts her jacket over the naked girl laying there drained. "WE NEED AN AMBULANCE RIGHT NOW!" JJ yells to the team outside. Amelia had lost consciousness in the short time it took the team to get in the barn. JJ and Emily both decide to ride to the hospital with Amelia. "She's waking up," The blonde says to the girl sitting across from her worried. "Well hello to you again beautiful." Amelia says to Emily as she opens her eyes. "Hello to you to." Emily says with a smile. "They arrive at the hospital and as soon as they do she's rushed into surgery.

Yayyy they found her what do you thinks going to happen next?

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