wheres amelia?

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march 11
"Ok everyone she's been miss for an hour, we need to find her fast." Hotch explains. "Morgan and Reid go to the coffee shop, Jj and Emily go to the hospital, me and Rossi will go to her house." Jj and Emily make there way to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. While everyone else goes to where Hotch told them


At Greys Sloan Memorial Hospital

JJ and Emily split up and take turns interviewing other doctors. Emily interviews Atticus Lincoln first while JJ goes to interview Meredith. "So what's you relation to Amelia?" she asks him. "Well we have a son, Scout together and we're together for a while"
he replies. "How long ago did you break up?" she says curiously "We broke up about a year ago." He tells the agent. "would you say you have any hatred for Amelia?" "WHAT NO I WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING TO HURT HER SHES THE MOTHER TO MY SON." He yells at her. "I'm not saying you did i'm just asking the normal questions i'm required to ask" Emily says calmly. they go through the interview and Emily ultimately end up deciding he didn't do anything, but her mind keeps wondering if she was just imagining all the flirting they did and if she was even into girls.


In the middle of no where
"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME" Amelia yells in pain. "I want you to feel the pain I felt when you killed my wife." the mystery man says to her. That's when Amelia realized who he was, he was the husband to one of her patients a few weeks back. His wife came in with an inoperable brain tumor, but begged Amelia to try to take it out so she tried. Sadly she didn't make it and she signed a DNR and didn't want to be in life support. therefore she removed him from life support a few hours after the surgery. "I'm sorry i didn't kill her on purpose i'll do anything to get out of here alive." she begs. "Oh trust me your already going to be doing whatever I want" He takes a knife and cuts through her stomach as she lays naked and tied up to a bed.  "NO STOP PLEASE STOP!" She begs again.


Back at the hospital
JJ and Emily are stuck they have questioned every single doctor and have came up empty. Then they get a call from Aaron. "Hey meet us at the BAU we may have found something." aaron tells them. JJ and Emily rush to the black SUV in a hurry to get back to the BAU. Emily can't stop thinking about what's happening to her and if she's ok, if she's even alive. Emily knows she can't think like this though and she needs to keep her head in the right place and she needs to stay focused.
At the BAU

Emily rushes in to see what's happening and if they have a lead yet. "Guys in here Penelope has something" Derek yells to them. "Okay, so when we went to her house me and Rossi found some cameras and Penelope was able to track them back to someone." Arron explains. "Blake Matthews 31, his wife was one of Amelias patients she said a few weeks ago" Garcia tells the team. "Garcia do you have an address?" Emily says rushed. "Oh yeah sorry 175 Woodlane" Garcia tells the team. The team rushes out as fast as they can to get to Amelia

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