XXIV - Deoxyribonucleic Acid

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Kinsley's POV

Currently I was seated in the pack room. With the other member of the high council seated around me Giovanni sat opposed to me on the other end of the table.

 I'd gone through multiple test and such not, as our doctors tried to work out some way to explain my transformation into a Hybrid, and figure out a way to stomp it out.

  I'd been poked, probed, and cut all in the attempts to figure out this virus, as they liked to call it that had interrupted the pure lycanthrope blood, that runs through my veins. Another week had passed since the last, and I'd gotten little sleep thinking about my unborn pups. My stomach had grown considerably.

  It was a useless to try and hide the fact that I would soon be giving birth to pups. So I didn't try to hide it, although, I knew that they'd have to hidden away right after their birth, far away from me and the life that would await them.

  I refused to give them to human parents, they wouldn't grow up thinking that they were human, they needed to learn how to be strong. So I'd decided that I would entrust them to Nonna, I'd managed to get in touch with her.

  She'd agreed granted she didn't seem to please about the fact of them growing up thinking that their parents were dead. But it was a sacrifice that they and I would both have to shoulder. Because I was doing this all for their protection and well being. I couldn't have them used a test rats. 

  A shudder ran up my spin at the thought, so I found that I could go without blood as long as I had it once a week, I also could live off of regular food. It was a comforting thought knowing I wasn't a bloodsucker. 

  Licking my lips I try to pay attention to the conversation that is going on at the table. But it was all about me and weather or not it would be okay for me to be here. Though all complaints had been settled when Giovanni threatened to rip everyone heads from their shoulder if they didn't shut the hell up. 

  He was aggravated to say the least, I'd severed the bond and I was having someone else pups, not to mention I was a hybrid the thing that we were trying to stop along with the Vampires. He must just be having a splendid day, I personally didn't give two fucks. 

  I was having the worst end of the stick by far. Pregnant and a Hybrid, yeah need I say anymore about the subject at hand. I think not. 

The only person so far that hadn't said a word was Alpha Stephan, he was watching everything unfold with a steady eye. While I on the other hand was not paying attention, I couldn't think of anything other than the two pups that were resting inside of me right now.

  There is a clattering of a chair and then a sharp growl that cuts it way to my ears and I look upwards to find an angry Alpha Rodriguez glaring at my his teeth elongated and not fitting in his mouth.

"Alpha Rodriguez, I suggest you take a seat." Alpha Davous hisses in anger standing up slowly. He held more than ten times the malice of Alpha Rodriguez, in standing just alone. 

"She's carrying abominations and she's one herself, we either should lock her up or kill her. I mean she's not even a Wolf anymore. The children she'll spawn will be both Vampire and Wolf a born Hybrid. We don't have any idea what will happen when they are born or what they will do!" Alpha Rodriguez growls slamming a hand down into the table. 

"Alpha Kinsley is a member of the High Council, as such you'll not touch her or the new born that rest in her stomach!" Alpha Davous threatens his eyes morphing to black and his own mouth struggle to reform human shape, his hands were shifting between claws and fingers. 

"In this wasting the time Gentlemen, we've got DNA results back from the lab concerning Alpha Kinsley and the Hybrids that we've managed to capture and keep alive." Alpha Chui says drawing the attention away from the two men that were ready to battle it out not even ten seconds ago. 

A Wolf's Revenge #Watty's2015Where stories live. Discover now