XVIII - Requiem

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Kinsley's POV

  By the time the meeting had ended, my voice was a little raw and my mind was spent. It felt like someone had been scraping the inside of my head clean. All I wanted to do was catch the next bloody flight out of here and head back to my pack. 

  The drugs had cleared out of my system and the feeling of sickness had hit me hard. My wolf was beyond annoyed at me. Her demeanor was a testimony to that fact. She was most likely annoyed that I had been weak. 

  Uncrossing my legs from the chair, I had my ass planted in, I stood my legs a little numb. Shifting on my feet for a couple of second. I feel someone approach me from behind. The aura that they radiated let me know right away that it was none other than Giovanni. 

  The violent aura had subsided a little now that everyone except for the High Council had managed to file out of the room. Now it was just me and the eleven other besides Giovanni. 

"Leave!" He says shortly.  

  And the shuffling of feet reaches my ears and I start to follow suit and leave in till he grab my hand. His hand like a steel trap encircling my wrist. If it wasn't for me being an Alpha he'd have shattered my wrist twice already. 

  Alpha Chui had casted a backwards glance as he ascended the stairs, but a sharp growl from Giovanni had got him moving. I didn't care, I stay still. But once the last Alpha had made his way out of the room. 

  I whirl voliently on Giovanni ripping my hand from his grasp. Looking him in his golden and green eyes, I can sense the challenge that rest in them, the motive that wants me to lash out wants me to loose control. Because to him it was all a game a game of who was stronger. 

 Reaching up I grasp the diamond neck less that lines my neck like a collar. And ripped it off the sound is the only thing that I heard in the moment. 

  The way the air swished at my movement. The sound as the chain snapped into a thousand pieces, the way the diamond sounded as the floated through the air, almost like a soft whistling sound. And then the sound of them dropping to the floor. Tap ... tap .. tap in till the silence ensued. 

"I am not yours!" I snap in anger. My mood swings were violent, or maybe this was just me the me that he brought out something that was feral and uncut at moments and then docile at others. I hate it, I hated everything about him! 

  His superiority to me, his movements, his face that was so condescending that it practically made me want to claw at it every time I saw it. 

"Tsk! That was quite expensive." He says his eyes dimming and going back to a more solid green. Why did he refuse to treat me as an equal! 

"I wouldn't give a damn if they were the queens jewels, I'd still wouldn't accept them. I wouldn't accept you either! I am with Six, I don't want your compassion!" I yell my voice echoing in the huge hall. It reverberated off of every wall. 

  "Then what do you want from me?" His voice had taken on the serious tone again. 

"Nothing! I don't want anything that you could possibly give me! I will not be slapped around and abused, just because I am suppose to be with you. I can choose what I want! And you can't stop me from doing that!" I bellow my voice again booming. 

  He looks down, he drops on to his hunches and picks up a stray diamond that litters the floor. His massive hands holding the tiny stone with delicacy. Running it in between his fingers, I watch him with a steady eye.

"Do you want me to get mad? Do you want me to take Six from you? If I take him will you rethink me? Would that entice you to be mine more?" He asks, standing taller letting the diamond fall back to the floor. 

A Wolf's Revenge #Watty's2015Where stories live. Discover now