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A/N - That sounds wrong, doesn't it?


Third Person POV.

Suddenly, there was a blinding flash and Zeus appeared. "PERSEUS! WHY IN HADES DID YOU KISS MY DAUGHTER!"

Another flash and Hades flashed in. "STOP. USING.MY.NAME.AS.A.SWEAR.WORD!" Hades yelled

Posiedon appeared. "Stop threatening MY SON!"

Artemis raised her hands. "Father, uncles, it was not Percy's fault..."
"I have a proposition!" said a new voice. Athena came into the clearing. "We could do something that is like the Twelve labours of Hercules, except let's call it the 14 labours of Perseus. He has to fulfil one request from every Olympian God, no matter how humiliating or dangerous.".

Zeus smiled. "I like it..." Hades and Posiedon muttered assent in sync, then turned and half glared, half laughed at each other. "Do you accept?" Zeus asked.

Artemis POV,

"I accept," said Percy, seriously. He accepted it? Most males would have chickened out. I do love him. I feel just a tiny bit scared for him. But he's strong. I know he can do it. "Let's go?" Percy asked me after all the gods had flashed out. "Yes," I said. He took my hand and we flashed away.  

We were in a tent, back in the forest. A note was pinned outside my tent,.


Apollo flashed us home. We set up camp. He tried flirting. Got a bruise on his face now. Hope you enjoyed your date *evil grin*


I smiled slightly. Percy shot me an inquiring glance, he was standing outside. I nodded and he came in. He was so considerate. "So are we technically dating?" Percy asked. I wondered about that. "I guess this is where you ask me to be your girlfriend," I said. "Um...okay," Percy said. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I pulled him into a soft kiss. He was surprised but soon responded. When we broke apart, he asked "Was that a yes?" he asked. "Duh, Fishhead!" I said, rolling my eyes and smiling. Then we went to sleep and landed in the realm of Morpheus.

Percy POV.

Bolts of lightning shook me awake. Thunder boomed in the sky. "I'm up Uncle Zeus! Keep your hair on!" I yelled as my hairs stood up on end. Then, I was flashed to Olympus. All the Olympian Gods and some of the minor gods and satyrs were there as well. I was now wearing a sea blue shirt and jeans. "WELCOME TO THE 14 LABOURS OF PERSEUS!" Zeus thundered. 'Drama Queen..." I muttered under my breath. Posiedon laughed. My labour from Zeus was to carry his heavy lightning bolts to his palace. Hera's was apologising for every time I had insulted her. That took a while. Poseidon's was easy, thank goodness. He asked me to tame a shark, which was easy for me. Hades asked me to kill an army of hellhounds, but it was a lot easier when you had al of Hades' demigod powers. Athena's was to devise a battle strategy for different scenarios. Ares' was to fight him. He struck at me but I parried his strike, using the same method I did when I was twelve, except I added some Roman moves and ended with a sword at his throat. That was funny. Hermes just asked me to fetch his caucus from an army of monsters. Hephaestus asked me to fight Talos. That was tricky and very sad. (A/N Bianca...) . Apollo asked me to sing another song, a love song to be precise. I blushed furiously, but I did so anyway.

Oh, Love is a cruel thing!
Oh, love is a cruel thing!

Well, I guess it will be when you're

Falling for the moon

Falling for the moon

When love is forbidden

And restricted, and restrained

It's a cruel thing

Tricking you so you think you're close

Then you realise that you're too far

But when you're

falling for the moon

falling for the moon

You realise

That it can't be avoided

There's no place we can hide it

 Falling for the moon

When I finished, Aphrodite was wiping a tear from her eyes. Even the other gods looked moved. Artemis was blushing heavily. She looked cute when she blushed. Aphrodite's task was to hold her hand and dance with her, which I did, much to my embarrassment and very unwillingly. Demeter's task was to cut a huge field of wheat. It certainly helped that they gave me a God-sized sycthe. Hestia asked me to roast a marshmallow, which I used my fire powers. Dionysus asked me to drink some Dionysus-LEVEL Gin. It wasn't very good though. Now, kids, gin is a drink for adults. GIN IS BAD.OKAY. Then Artemis stood up. "My task is to take me on a date," she said.  "Um...what?" Artemis rolled her eyes. "Take me on a date, fish head. Are you deaf?" "OK. Sure," said Percy, and he flame-travelled us away.

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