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{Everything Will Be Fine...}

It's been hundreds of years...
(Y/n) stares at the two graves in front of her...

(M/n) (L/n) and (F/n) (L/n)

Her (e/c) eyes filled with sadness as she slowly kneels on the ground, she seems to have the urge to cry as she tries holding her tears back.

" May you rest in peace... Oto-San, Oka-San. "

She says softly. She opens her wings and flies to the dark-blue sky. The moonlight was beautiful, the moon is shining at her white wings.
(Y/n) was about to enjoy this moment until she heard some noises, she flies to the direction where the noise came from with curiosity.

(Y/n) notices that she was flying above a bamboo forest. She looks down and sees a few people in there. (Y/n) flies down to the bamboo forest and hides between them. But then she saw the familiar faces...

" M... Muzan..? "

She mumbles, (Y/n) saw him, Muzan, the monster. He was lying on the ground, his forearms are cut off and he seemed to be trying to hold his head in place.
(Y/n) then saw a woman and a man who is holding a sword, wearing a red haori and long hair. (Y/n) were surprised, she never thought something would harm Muzan other than the sun.

But then, Muzan explodes into pieces. He's trying to escape, the man with a sword tried to cuts all the pieces. But he still escaped. (Y/n) frowns slightly.

" no... You were so close to stopping him..."

" Whoever you are, come out. "

(Y/n) blinks and stunned for a moment. Eh? The man? Did he see her?
But (Y/n) knew she can't hide anymore longer. She slowly steps out of the bamboo, right in front of the man as (Y/n) gulps nervously.
Even though she had no weakness like she's already immune to the sun. But still, she's scared.

But then, the lady started screeching like she was frustrated and falls onto the ground. (Y/n) rushed to the woman in worried.

The Lady
" you were so close... You were so close... He actually conquered the weakness of his head... "

The lady said as she started crying and holds onto her head. You saw here purple slit pupils like Muzan's red one.
The lady was angered as tears rolled down her face.

The Lady
" you should've just died!!.. You filthy man!!... MUZAN KIBUTSUJI! "

The lady screech in pure anger, while (Y/n) just look at her in shock.


' So... That man was Muzan.. '

(Y/n) thought to herself, but at the same time. She felt bad for the lady.. It's like Muzan did a lot of damage to her.

' what happened to the best friend I've known..? '

(Y/n) thought again. But then the lady stopped and was stunned for a while. As she looks confused.

The Lady
"I'm not dying... Why am I not dying.? "

She asks in a daze and confusion.
Soon you and the man calmed the lady down. (Y/n) learned that the Lady's name was Tamayo, and the man was Yoriichi.
(Y/n) remembers the name deep in her heart. Then Tamayo told (Y/n) and Yoriichi all about Muzan... Seems like he had started to turn people into a demon, a monster like him...

But at the same time, (Y/n) heard a lot of people are coming here. She grabs Tamayo and left the bamboo forest with her.
(Y/n) hides in the bamboo and watches. He saw a lot of people are coming to Yoriichi, one of them with flame-like hair holding onto Yoriichi seems like they had told him something...

His brother had become a demon...


" I'm sorry, Yoriichi-San. "

" no, it's fine (N/n). "

The Angel and the Man were somewhere in a Mountain. The two of them stare at the beautiful night sky with each other.

" actually... Ubuyashiki-Sama had talked about you... He said something about Angel... Was it you? "

He asks, (Y/n) stunned for a while. But she nods slowly.

" What did he... Says about me?. "

" you have the wings and can regenerate or heal any parts of your body. You're no human, and yet you're not a demon either. But since you've been hiding for a while, they don't know much about you.. But all they know is that you're not a threat. "

He said.
(Y/n) can barely proceed with what did he just says.

" oh... I-I see. "

You said.

" so the Ubuyashiki family was the one who creates the Demon Slayer Corps... That's so amazing of them... "

(Y/n) said softly in admiration, she then look at Yoriichi.

" you're an amazing person, too. Yoriichi. "

(Y/n) said, giving Yoriichi her gentle smile. As his dull eyes sparkled at her beautiful smile.
But then in a blink second, wind flies through his hair. (Y/n) was gone, leaving a trace of her feather. He picks it up and holds it onto his chest. Like how he did with the wooden flute that his brother gave him when he was still a kid.

Meanwhile (Y/n) was walking around in a forest. Until she smells... Blood.
She felt concerned and decided to follow the smell. Which leads her to see a badly-injured little girl.
(Y/n)'s heart dropped as she quickly runs to the little girl. She was close to death, and she was losing blood.

(Y/n) panicked as she try to do anything to help the girl, but the wound won't stop bleeding. The girl's tired and numb eyes were about to close.
(Y/n) feels hopeless as she hugs the poor little girl tightly, but she didn't notice her nail had dug into the little girl's skin and...

The bleeding stopped. And soon all the wounds begin to regenerate. (Y/n) for a while, the girl gasped sharply as she look at (Y/n) in surprise.
She's alive, she's alive!... But how?

The Girl
" Who are you-"

She was cut off with a yelp as she feels a sharp pain in her back. (Y/n) was in worried.

" h-hey..! Are you alright?! What's wrong-"

The girl screams and cries as she holds onto (Y/n) tightly. (Y/n) begin to panic again until she saw a pair of redwings that mixed with blood grow out of the little girl's back.
(Y/n) was stunned as the realization hits her....
She had turned the little girl into an Angel.


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