Chapter 2

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Small childish giggles. That was the first thing I heard clearly in the room, I staggered back until I gasped sharply hitting the wall. I quickly picked up the candle and rushed around the room lighting the rest of the candles. I turned around and stared at the room startled as many eyes stared back at me, the glittering glass eyes of many dolls stared back at me. I let out a small breath of relief as I lean against the wall, I then turn to my left reaching for the door handle.

My hand fell through the empty air, I turn around confused. Where was the exit? Suddenly out of the corner of my eye a doll fell forward and landed loudly on the wooden floor.

I quickly rushed over then froze when I saw the jade fluffy petticoats, her dark hair slid over her shoulders as I picked her up and slowly turned round then I dropped her in shock. Her face was blank, not emotion less but just plain porcelain.

I slowly placed her back down and looked around at the other dolls, all of them were the same. Plain porcelain faces.

I staggered back then rushed to the door my whole body shaking, I grab the door handle then yelped in pain as I brought my hand back clutching it to my chest and whimpering. Tears slid down my face but they were slow and sticky like syrup, I looked down at my hand and inhaled sharply when I saw a large red burn. I looked down at the handle of the door, it glowed menacingly and I rushed backwards. I wiped away my tears then looked at the liquid on my hand, it was black, sticky and thick, I wiped my cheeks away still crying but unable to stop. Only spreading the dark sticky substance.

I rushed over to a window and pulled back the curtains but nothing, there was a brick wall in front of the window. The red bricks were crimson just like the outside of our house, my eyes suddenly focused on something else. It was my face, it was pale white but huge black drips slid down my face. I quickly wiped at my cheeks but it spread becoming more apparent. I turned around and my eyes locked onto the dolls, they had turned and were staring at me they had the same black liquid sliding down their cheeks.

My body shook as I walked towards the door keeping my eyes on the doll and I kept shaking as the dolls heads turned bit by bit to follow me their glass orb eyes watching me.

I pulled down the sleeve of my nightdress covering my burned hand, I quickly grabbed the door handle feeling the linen smoulder underneath the heat and I pulled my hand away whimpering as the smouldered linen stuck to my hand.

I kick at the door then turned back around looking around the room, I quickly look at a powder box in the corner and smile to myself as I tip it over and out fell a large silver key. I scooped it up and shoved the key in the lock, my burnt hand trembled as I turned the key and with a click it unlocked.

I run out and gasp at the sudden heat, it scorched my cold skin and I look at the corridor. Orange flames had engulfed the hall, they licked at the edge of my nightdress and I quickly turn on my heel and run down the hall, my lungs filling with smoke as I ran. I cough breathing heavily as I look at either side of the hall, The rooms had disappeared there was one thing plain and visible in the dark hall.

A large ornate window, a way out. I ran towards it but the hallway seemed to grow longer and longer each of my steps growing smaller and smaller, My feet began to drag but I kept going till I felt something cold and slippery grasp round my ankle and I tripped rolling down the hall till I was forced to a stop by a hit to my head, I had rolled head first into one of the small tables that held books and a vase of bellflowers. The vase fell over spilling water and flowers over me, I groaned pressing my hand against my swelling forehead as I turned and looked down the hall for the thing that had tripped me up. I spotted it nearly immediately.

The great looming figure was struggling along the floor hiding in the shadow of a large bookcase, Sensitive to the heat. I hesitate as I watch it struggle, it crawled along the floor like an infant child.

It stopped suddenly and began thriving viciously as the carpet burned behind it. It let out a small screech of pain as it thrives its body quivering violently.

I instinctively ran forwards towards the flailing creature wrapping my arms around the cold indecisive figure, it went from a liquid to a solid as I dragged the surprisingly light creature away from the flames. I continue dragging its quivering body till we're far enough away from the flames.

I collapse to the floor exhausted even though it was light, the creature rolled back and forth quivering till its huge figure managed to get to its feet. Though it had no eyes I could feel it staring down at my small body, suddenly in an instance it lunged forward and I braced myself for the impact but it stopped as soon as it could be close enough to hurt me but it paused looking at my hunched body. It's large arms solidified around me as it pulled me close to its body, its arms merged to the skin of my arms and the same with my legs to its legs. It began to stride towards the window at the end of the corridor. It controlled my body, me.

I realised far too late that it had began to pick up speed with the intention of throwing us through the window and I fought for control but I found my body as limp as a ragdoll as it continued to control me, but the instant before we burst through the window at the end of the hallway, the black mass of the creature gathered in front of me ensuring I got no damage from the shards of glass or the sharp impact of body to ground.


We had landed. Sprawled in the dark courtyard of my burning home, incapable of movement I laid paralysed as figures ran in the dark screaming looking for others. I slowly regained feeling realising that the thing had removed itself from me and was now moving in a grotesque way across the gravel heading for the trees at the edge of the property, clearly it had been injured by the fall, burns, and God knows what else.

"Thank you"

Was all I could muster to the shapeless figure before I passed out on the sharp gravel, exhausted from whatever just happened though trying to convince myself it were merely,
a bad dream.

(A/N ello ello, it's been a while. Doubt anyone would read this but eh may as well continue)

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