Chapter XXIV

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15-year-old Heimdall burst into Rin's room unannounced. The girl was reading at her bed, and looked up in annoyance at the interruption.

"Mom's pregnant again." He announced sourly, sitting down.

"I thought she said Vienna would be the last one." Rin cried, moaning.

"Yeah, we all did. She said that about Berlio, too. But then she decided, I guess, that she wanted one more. An uneven 11. You know she likes uneven things." Heimdall groaned.

"But then dad will point out he likes even things, and it won't be the last one." Rin argued, "Secretly, we all know that's dad excuse because he's so young and virtual and all." She said, and Heimdall shuddered.

"Odin, I don't want to imagine that." He made a face, "Don't you think it's weird how old mom is compared to dad?" He asked. RIn sighed in irritation.

"No." She said shortly, "He's a spirit. I think it's cool, and sweet. Even though mom is getting wrinkles and old, he still loves her. It's romantic." She said, and Heimdall gave a gagging sound.

"Whatever. Ew. I'm going now." He said, and Rin went back to her book, "Well, you know where the door is." She said. He gave a walk across the castle to where the guest-house area that Anna lived with Kristoff was. He knocked on Alfsol's door. The seventeen-year old cousin smiled at one of his best friends.

"My mom is pregnant...again." He said in frustration.

"I know, Dally. I heard her telling Aunt Anna about it. At least when my mother told Kristoff she was done after Benar, she was serious." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm just so tired of her pregnant all the time."

"Really, being queen and all, I don't know when her and Uncle Jack have time for it." He admitted. Heimdall made a similar face as he had in Rin's room.

"That's the last thing I want to imagine." Alfsol was still thinking.

"I'm sure they're good at it now, real creative." He mused.

"Shut up or I'll punch you." Heimdall said in all seriousness. Alfosl tousled his fingers through the silky blond locks.

"Do you want to do something tonight?" He asked, "Something...crazy?" He asked, "Invite Kai. A guys night out." He said.

"Sure." Heimdall said, "Anything to get me out of here."

"I don't see why you're so upset, Dally." Alfsol said as he opened his door wide for his cousin to come in, "I mean, a new kid won't change your status much, you're an heir. Everyone else just becomes slightly less important."

"That's not the point." Heimdall snapped.

"Then what is?" Alfsol was menacing when he squared his shoulders and stood up fully. Heimdall, who was a little more scrawny in comparison shrunk a bit. He was silent for only a moment, before he licked his lips to go off into another slightly deviated topic.

"But don't you find it odd that you're basically the same age as my dad?" He pestered. Alfsol shrugged.

"Does it bug you in two years you will be?" He asked.

"Yes!" Heimdall cried, wasting no time in answering. Alfsol on the other hand, paused.

"No." He said decisively, "It doesn't bother me." Heimdall scowled, "Come on, dude. He's like...immortal! Don't you realize how cool that is? How cool your whole family is? My family only has Xanthe, but she's a bitch at the best at times." He said.

"It shouldn't be that way." He insisted.

"Sure, maybe one day it will be weird, I mean people may think you're his dad and he's your son, but hey- live in the now." Alfsol pointed out. Heimdall glared.

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