Chapter XLIX

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He tapped twice on Jamie's window, and then seeing that he was alone in his room, entered immediately. Now that he had his memories, he chuckled as he compared this to how he used to be with Gavner. It was sort of like his friendship; Jamie had passed the point of being a child with him, now he was almost seventeen and had become a friend.

"Jamie. I need to borrow some clothes." He said without waiting for a greeting. Jamie spun around in his wheel chair and frowned.

"Clothes?" He repeated in confusion, "I don't know if mine will fit you anyway- you're so skinny and gangly." He dismissed.

"I don't care. I just need something. Give me an oversized shirt or something." Jack said hurriedly. Jamie gave him an odd look, but got up and went to his closet. Jack stuck his hands in his pants pockets and wandered over to where he was working on homework.

"Geeze, buddy. Day after Christmas and already back to the books?" He chuckled, "That's no fun."

"IB isn't fun." Jamie grumbled, "But I have my Extended Essay due soon."

"That sounds painful." Jack winced.

"It is. Guess what it's on?" Jamie called with a chuckle from where he was digging underneath a mountain of dirty socks and unwashed shirts, "Common holiday mythical creatures in Literature."

"You're joking." Jack laughed, lounging on his bed, "Is yours truly in it?" He asked.

"You're the first part!" Jamie said and returned with a couple articles of clothing bunched under his arms, "Well, these jeans may fit- they were my cousins and he had obnoxiously long legs. Or I have these sweatpants. Here's an old tee-shirt that's big on me, or an old zipper-up." He said, throwing them at Jack's feet.

He watched Jack undress quickly. "Dude, what's going on?" He asked, frowning.

"I just found out I'm a father." Jack said, the first thing that came to mind. Jamie's eyebrows shot way up.

"Wait, what?" He sputtered, "Hold up...hold up. Is it Tooth's?" He asked.

"What?" It was Jack's turn to shudder back, "No!"

"You two just seem...never mind." He shook his head, "Then who?"

"She's dead." Jack said, tugging the pants over his legs and tripping over due to lack of balance.


"Well, not like that. Ugg...One moment." He buttoned the jeans and shook out his legs and sat with his shirt off on the bed while he explained to Jaime.

" something years ago, I met a girl and well, I guess we fell in love. She was a Queen and I became a had thirteen kids together, and well...I was happy. But then she died...and I was still immortal. I kinda won the worst father of the year award to say the least, and eventually I got angry and I asked for some trolls to kill me. But the Man in the moon tricked me and erased my memories, because I needed to 'save the world'. But Tooth restored them because I had had my wisdom teeth removed during my time as king." He said in one large breath. Jamie looked at him with wide eyes.

"Have you been smoking something?" He asked and Jack stood angrily.

"I'm serious! This is my family!" He said sourly, and Jamie laughed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. That last comment was a joke. You have to admit it sounds a little ridiculous." He reasoned.

"I know...It does. But...I..." He shook his head and ran his fingers through his white hair, "I thought I was so alone. But I have a family...somewhere." He breathed.

"You're going to find them, aren't you?" Jamie realized, "Can I come with?"

"No way. It's not close, dude." Jack shook his head, "I need you to watch these clothes though." He nudged his brown and blue pile of fabric with his toes, "I guess I need damn shoes too."

"Look, look. There's still some winter break left. I'll tell mom that me and Cupcake and Monty are going down to Pittsburg or something." He said.

"It's a little farther. I guess I'm from Norway." Jack said with a shrug. Jamie stopped.

"Okay. So that's farther than I thought. But I can still come. Two guys, c'mon. What's to loose." He said.

"No, Jamie." Jack said firmly, slipping on an ugly pair of crocs (The only thing that fit), "I just got my whole world flipped on me in a matter of minuets. I need to do this alone." The tone of his voice paused Jamie completely, who sat back on his bed dejectedly.

"I understand." He sighed sadly, "I want to go, but hell- I can't even imagine what it's like to be you right now. You may need some money too. And a really good hat."

"A hat?" Jack echoed, touching his hair, "Why?"

"'re trying to fit in, right?" He asked shrugging, "I think the hair is a dead giveaway."

"If my genes have prevailed, there's going to be people my age with white hair. Eight of my children did." Jamie laughed.

"I can't imagine you as a dad, Jack."

"I couldn't either if I didn't have these memories." Jack tapped his head, "There's some family I think in Colorado too. Maybe I'll come back and bring you there." He said as a little consolation prize. Jamie brightened. Jack checked over everything, feeling like he looked ridiculous but all the same content and ready to go.

He went to the window. "Was she beautiful?" Jamie asked from behind him. Jack held onto the window frame hard, and took a hard breath.

"Elsa?" He whispered, "Oh, Jamie. She was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen."

"I wish I could have met the woman who contained Jack Frost. That's something I didn't think possible." He chuckled.

"I wish you could too." Jack said, grasping his staff, "I wish I could see her again." He didn't spend much longer lingering on Jamie's window sill, but pushed off and up high above the clouds. A little warm fire stirred in the pit of his heart. He felt like he was coming home.

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