Just leave it

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"Nialler!" Louis ran up to me outside of our favorite coffee shop and automatically took a picture of me, he always had his camera on him. He pulled me into a tight hug and I couldnt help but wince

He lifted my shirt up and a look of rage came across his face "Damnit Niall you shouldnt let them do this to you! When you said they'd messed with you again I thought you meant more dumb insults, I didnt think they had actually physically hurt you! You have to stand up to them" Louis was looking at my latest bruise and I couldnt help but feel uncomfortable with him looking at me, I mean im absolutley gross.

"Look, Louis I cant fight back. I told you, every single time they start to hit me I flash back to the attack and I freeze up." I looked at my best friend and he looked at me sympathetically and grabbed my hand.

"Look what we have here," I heard a voice that I'd come to fear "Two little faggots holding hands. Turn around when im talking to you blondie!" Zayn forced me to turn around and laughed in my face.

I started to shake and Louis stood up taller, "Look Zayn, I dunno what the hell your problem is but you need to back up."

Zayn smirked at Louis "And if I dont, what are you gonna do about it fag?" I could tell Louis was getting pissed and I didnt want him fighting for me.

"Lou, just leave it. Its not worth it." I said quietly tugging on his arm.

"Yeah, Lou" Harry said sarcastically "Listen to your boyfriend."

"Is there a problem here boys?" A police officer came up and looked suspiciously at us.

"No ma'am we were just leaving" I spoke up, grabbing Louis' arm and walking off.

"You keep doing that Nialler, just backing down and letting them win. And what happens when they dont stop? What happens when it goes so far that you end up seriously hurt again? What happens when im not here to protect you." Louis looked at me and I didnt know how to respond to that.

"I just dont know, but seriously Lou, leave it. None of this is worth it."

He walked me to my house in silent and when we got there I smiled at him "Thank you for worrying about me Louis, you really are the best friend I could ever have" He hugged me lightly this time remembering the bruise.

"Anytime Nialler, you're like a brother to me." and with that he was off. I went inside and looked around, my mom had left a note saying that she was going to get dinner and my brother, Greg, is still at work. I ran up to my room and grabbed my laptop logging into facebook I saw where Lou had tagged me in a picture, it was from last week when I'd played my new song for him. My music is the only thing I care about which is why I was so happy when I was accepted into Treble High. I liked the photo and scrolled down to comment myself until I saw his name, Zayn, he had commented on the picture. Stupid faggot thinks he's some great musician. I cant believe they still let him go to Treble. We've never even heard him sing. everyone seemed to agree and I just couldnt take it. I saw that lou had tried to stand up for me but it didnt work. It never does. Everyone hates me, ive ruined my mum and brothers life, im gross looking, my teeth are awful, and Im just a waste of space. I ran to my desk and pulled out my pencil case. Inside was a razor blade. I hadnt cut since I moved here but this was all too much, I sat on the floor in my room and took the blade to my skin, One...two...three...four....five new cuts. I went to the bathroom and got into the shower, feeling the hot water sting against the fresh cuts. I cleaned my body, careful not to scrub too hard over the bruises. I quickly got out, careful not to look at myself in the mirror. I was already upset enough.  I pulled on clean boxers, shorts, and a sweatshirt. I didnt want my mom seeing the cuts and asking questions her solution would be to run again and we didnt have anywhere else to go. We were glad my older brother Greg had enough room for us in his place. I climbed into bed quickly drifting off into a fitful sleep full of nightmares about the attack.

Falling for Blondie - A Ziall FicWhere stories live. Discover now