Chapter 5~ Hopeless

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The Amazon team, which was basically what they were identified now as by WHO, had successfully identified the unknown virus as Rocio.

Now, all they had to do was finish up their serological evaluation of the vaccine against human encephalitis caused by the virus. It had been an incredibly tough two months battling the virus, but things were finally coming together with a pretty solid solution, and Ethan had played a major part in that, providing the team with vital diagnosis.

The team had a mini celebration, Ethan joining in, not wanting to spoil their fun and to not be rude. They drank a little, as some of them were flying back home the next day. Although the problem had not been completely rectified yet, the team had done what they were required to do.

Find a solution.

They have done just that, and all it was left for the Brazillian doctors and permanent WHO staff to do was to administer the solution to those around the area as well as curing those already infected by managing their symptoms.

Even when the atmosphere was all smiles and liveliness, with the familiar lightheadedness caused by the booze, Ethan could not find himself to properly celebrate their win.

Although he managed to find a solution, for all the way in the Amazon, he did not find a solution for what he was facing back home, which was one of the main reasons why he had came there in the first place. Instead, he found himself realizing, that the distance just made his problem even worse, as he ended up thinking of her emerald gaze every day and every single moment he was not thinking of medicine.

He cured the virus plauging others, but he could not cure the one that was plauging him.

Blue Hunter.

Ethan sighed as he looked up to see Owen and Adriana, chatting with another doctor. They had no idea the pandemonium their daughter had set inside his heart and mind. He was still a little awkward around Adriana, especially after that one time he had accidently exposed his wallpaper of Blue to her.

On the other hand, he hit it off rather well with Owen. They had similar interests, and honestly had become quite good friends over the past few weeks. Although Ethan had to bite his tounge from replying something suspicious to him whenever the topic about Blue came up, as he was unsure if Adriana had told her husband about what she had seen on Ethan's phone.

"Why do you look so glum Dr. Ramsey?" a voice made Ethan turn, only to see Lisa Kepner. "Nothing really. Just thinking." Ethan replied, taking another sip of his drink. Although he did not really have much experience in the dating scene, even he could tell that Lisa had the hots for him.

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