The bar

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I woke up from a nightmare. It was about mum dying. "Hannah." I whimpered. No answer. I looked up at the bed to see she was gone but I heard music from outside. I got up shakily and clutched onto my bear tighter. It was really dark and it was really scary. I got to the place where there was loud music and walked in seeing a glimps on Hannah. "Your not meant to be in here sweetheart." I looked up to see Kelly. "Hannah." I whispered. "Hmm?" She bent down to my height. "Hannah." I whispered. "Ohh okay you want Hannah?" I nodded. She took my hand and walked me to Hannah. "You got someone here to see you Hannah." Kelly announced. She looked over. "Why are you awake Daisy?" She picked me up. "Nightmare." I whispered putting my head on her shoulder. "Oh ok shall we go back to bed?" I nodded. Kelly sent me a smile. We got back to our room. "You can sleep with me." I snuggled up to her and fell asleep.

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