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I finished my work and turned to Kelly. "Thank you." I whispered. "It's no problem. I'm going to have to go now but I will see you tomorrow." She announced and got off the bed. I put my laptop away thinking she would just walk out. I turned around and saw she was standing there. "Not getting a hug?" She opened her arms out. I giggled and ran at her. She lifted me up and twirled me around. She set me down. "See you tomorrow Daisy." She walked out the room. "Someone has a new friend." Hannah came in. I smiled. "Dylan is mad at you so be careful for 'revenge'" she laughed. We went downstairs and see they left us plates out. We heated up the dinner and ate it. It was yummy. We got ready for bed.

The next morning I peaked one eye open to see nothing out of the ordinary. So I got up and I was very wary. Last time Rosie got her hair dyed green for scaring him or something.

I got outside after I decided I wasn't hungry and was met by.. nothing? I would of thought something would of happened by now. "Hey Daisy!" My dad came over. "I'm uh sorry for that." I nodded. "It's okay dad." He nodded and went back to whatever he was doing. I knew he was told to apologise to me. I walked out and found Hannah feeding Spar. "Hey Hannah." She smiled at me. "Hey Daisy what are you doing today?" She noticed I didn't get a list. I noticed too. "I don't know I never got a list." Someone walked in. "That's because I decided you weren't going to do anything today. You passed out yesterday from all the work." Kelly said. "I didn't work that much." She laughed and ruffled my hair. "Yeah yeah." She walked out again. "Can I help?" Hannah looked unsure. "Are you sure? You still look drained." I nodded. Thing is I want to help but I am feeling drained.

Hannah and me done quite a few things today and I still haven't seen Dylan. That's scary. What is he gonna do?

Right now we were building a little shelter for the flamingos. "Hey! What did I say about working?" Someone came up behind me and lifted me up on to their shoulders. "But I wanted to!" I said. She set me down. "Okay but that's the last thing. You look really tired." I nodded and she left. "She told you." Hannah said to me. I laughed and continued helping her.

By the time we got back it was almost pitch black. Dad went to the Jaguar with the others. So it was just the kids. Rosie ran up to me. "I think you dropped something outside Daisy." She pointed to something. I don't know what it is though. I walked out and it was freezing. I was still wearing shorts. I continued walking but it was just a bunch of rocks. "BOO!" Someone scared me and pushed me. I skidded my knees along the ground and something sharp cut my leg. "Daisy! I didn't mean to push you that hard! I swear!" He ran to the Jaguar probably to get help to clean my up. And whatever is tuck in my leg. It must be something big as the pain is from my knees to my shins. "Yeah I scared her but I didn't mean to push her! Sorry Daisy first person I found." I looked up and Kelly. That's good. "Okay let's get you inside." She lifted me up. She took me inside as she wiped tears from my face. I didn't even know I was crying. She wiped them clean and took the glass out of my legs. I let out a cry each time. But man it hurt. She wrapped them up. "You okay now sweetheart?" She hugged you. You nodded. "I'm really sorry Daisy." Dylan said. "It's not a big deal." He smiled and went upstairs. "Sorry that we bothered you Kelly." She shook her head and bent down to my level. "It's fine your legs were hurt that's all. Now let's go to bed shall we?" You nodded. You walked upstairs with Kelly behind you. She lifted you up and ran to go faster. You giggling all the way. She let you get changed and waited for you on your bed. You came in and got on the bed. "Night Daisy." She kissed your head. "Night Kelly." She got up and walked out the room.

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