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A bit of a time skip
(Also I don't know much about this type of stuff so I'm making it up)

Kelly's POV
This process of getting custody of Daisy has been quite easy and quick. And I'm winning.

They have gotten pictures of her bruises for evidence and she has had to talk. Hannah, Dylan and Rosie had to as well. And they have all said that they have witnessed some form of abuse. Benjamin didn't seem too happy that her siblings have stuck up for her.

Right now, I'm waiting for this lady to come over. She is bringing forms for me to sign to legally adopt Daisy. And his belt, I have never wanted time to move quicker.

Daisy is laid across my lap, fast asleep. I'm stroking her head lightly, admiring her. My soon to be daughter. Legal daughter for that matter. I already see her as my own.

Soon enough, there was a knock at my door and sadly, I had to move. I got up and opened it and greeted her. "Hey, come in." She smiled and sat on the chair across from the couch. "So, let's just get this done as I'm assuming you have been waiting a while for this moment." She smiles at me whilst getting the forms and a pen out. "Just sign here and she is legally yours." I smile widely and quickly scribble my signature down. It's done. Daisy is now mine. "Thank you so much." She nods and leaves.

"Mama?" A small voice piped up from the couch. "Hey sweetheart." I coo and bend down next to her. I brush away the hair from her face and she rubs her eyes. "Guess what." I say enthusiastically. "What?" I smile and stroke her cheek. "Your now officially my daughter." She tears up and cries. "Awhh sweetheart." I chuckle and bring her into my arms. "Mommy." She sobs into my neck. I pout a little and start to cry myself. "Yes, yes mommy is here. I'm your mommy." I pull back and kiss her head, cheeks, nose and lips. She giggled and played with my hair. I just sit and smile at her as she plays with my hair.

We do this for about 5 minutes before her small hands cup my face and squishes it. She pecks my lips and brings me into another hug. "Food." She whispers into my ear making me laugh. "What do you want baba?" I pick her up and take her to the kitchen. "Mac and cheese!" She cheers.

I can't believe I finally got custody.

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