✧︎「︎They'll Love You」︎✧︎

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(A/N: teehee ٩˘)۶🍿)

Roseanne's pov

I wake up to the sound of my melodic alarm go off, and so I slowly drift awake. Waking up in the mornings is not much of a hassle for me because unlike most people, I enjoy it. Every day is a new day, and I guess I'm lucky enough to start mine off so soothingly.

My eyes lazily flicker open, and stare up at the white ceiling as my phone sings it's tune to me. My hand drags itself to the night stand and turns off the sweet alarm. Then I lay there for a few seconds before shooting up.

I slip out of my bed and into large pink bunny slippers, the ones my sister, Alice, had bought for me as a going-away gift. I still remember the smile on her face as she handed them to me in a pink gift bag, just like it were yesterday.

Speaking of yesterday, I believe I had a pretty memorable second day here in Korea. I drove myself over to Seokjin's house and convinced him to make me Kimchi Fried Rice instead of going out to eat at a restaurant like we had planned. I honestly just missed his cooking, and once his food hit my tastebuds, I felt so comforted.

Seokjin Oppa is one of my oldest friends. I met him when I was 12 years old, and he was 17. My family and I had taken a trip to Korea to visit Jimin and his family, and during that trip from 8 years ago, my parents decided to visit their friends' restaurant a few minutes outside of the big city.

Their friends had three kids, who happened to be Seokjin, his older brother, Seokjung, and his younger sister, Jisoo. Alice was oddly nervous while interacting with the much older boys, so she just hung around with Jisoo, and their warm friendship had blossomed into a sisterly one. Like me and Seokjin, Alice and Jisoo made sure to stay in touch even after we returned to Australia.

I feel as if I clicked with Seokjin that day. We both had an obvious love for food, and could go on for hours about different foods we've eaten and the ones we'd like to try. By the end of that day, I'd exchanged numbers with him and we'd text, call, and FaceTime frequently.

I had promised— and I have always kept my promise to him, that I would come visit him every time my family and I came to Korea. We visited Jimin every summer, which meant I got to see Seokjin at least once every year. And we never grew bored of each other. He taught me how to cook a few of his favorite authentic dishes as well as how to brew coffee, which he really loved and had a talent for.

After he graduated college, he opened his own coffee shop called "Seokjin's" and pursued his love for making coffee. He told me he had plans of running his family's restaurant once his parents had to move on and retire.

Jisoo, his younger sister, got herself a job as a makeup artist at JYP entertainment, where she practices and applies makeup on many different idols. She is also a successful Instagram model, and has a vast amount of followers, as she should.

Their older brother, Seokjung, never really kept in touch with me or Alice, but we still consider each other as friends. Once in a while, Seokjung would text me and we'd catch up, talking about our individual ways of life. He is now married and expecting a baby girl, all while handling the job as the CEO of a traveling agency.

When I told Seokjin I'd be continuing my studies in Korea, and staying here for the next 3 years, he was especially excited. Seeing him again the other day made me all warm inside because nothing felt better than reconnecting with people from your past.

Last night we spoke about anything that came to mind. Seokjin told me about how business at his café wasn't as successful as it used to be, and how graduating college was like for him. We spoke about our families and friends. I also told him about the new friend I made yesterday.

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