Chapter Forty

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 Rhysya twirled Lightening's hair around her finger. He rubbed his hand over her arm. She was so much smaller than he was, so soft. She snuggled into his chest, pressed her nose against him. She fit against his body perfectly. Their skin was welded together. Rashana lay in the basket, disinterested in her parents, cooing at the stuffed toys hanging on a string above her.

"When you come to the initiation ceremony, we will be one pace closer to peace. Eventually, we could announce our marriage."

Lightening closed his eyes. Not again. "Repeating yourself will not cause me to agree. If we hold the initiation near Crystal Lake, an ambush will be too easy."

"We can't hold an initiation in the desert. It's unheard of. We'll hold it at Crystal Lake. Besides, it's all arranged. We can't change it now." Rhysya's face lit up with shock. "Oh, we didn't invite Yadrow! The invitation will never reach him in time now!"

Lightening rolled his eyes. "We will be risking enough to hold the initiation outside of Valley."

"You can't be seen inside Valley. It would be unforgivable. But you have to be there."

"Our people have already been coerced into this," he said. "And must I remind you of the Wolfdrums?"

"No," she said, pushing him away from her. "All you do is speak of them. You are more concerned with them than you are with your daughter."

"I'm concerned about them because of my daughter," he said. He was thankful they hadn't started targeting Valley of the Star. He wanted his wife and child to remain safe.

"Those little megalomaniacs haven't attacked you in annae."

"They leave me at present because I'm unmarried and childless." If they suspected Magpie was with child, that would change abruptly. He worried of Magpie's safety. She, however, appreciated the risks. "You were there when Yadrow confessed the engineering of the war."

"Don't yell at me. You'll upset Rashana."

"If she will not wake to your moaning, she will not wake to my voice."

Rhysya pursed her lips, her color darkening to burgundy. Rhysya backed away from him. "How dare you!"

"You're not listening to me," he said, pulling the picnic blanket around his waist and following her.

"I've listened to you. All I do is hear your voice. And now you would torment our daughter with its vulgarity. Well, if I'm impure, then you're a poor father."

Lightening's eyes were blood shot. They burned with anger and glistened as water rushed to cover them. Rhysya tied her ceremonial robes on and lifted Rashana.

"Forget the whole thing. I don't wish to see you again."

She stormed off.

* * * * *

Magpie leaned against the tree and drilled the tip of her bow into the ground. The sun would soon touch down and the forest would be consumed by darkness. Lightening had never been so late before.

She looked to the sun again. Canary would whine if she had to take up the duties of the front desk for her. Magpie's stomach rumbled. Torin would be dining with them this eve. He had become so silent in her presence. She unstrung her bow and slung it over her back. She started back to Thundonia.

Magpie headed toward home, but curiosity whispered from the ruling wing. She was so hungry. She took a deep breath and went up to Lightening's room, pounded on his door and announced herself.

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