Chapter 12: Resurface [Atharv]

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Suggested Song for reading:

Year 124 (Second Paradigm)

State: Dhilli (Central States)

Solake Public School

"Yes, come in please." The counsellor speaks in an extremely professional manner.

Atharv drifts the already opened door and enters an empty classroom, with just two counsellors sitting in the middle of the room. The door is in front of them, slightly angled to their adjacent right. Atharv walks in with a bundle of papers in hand and keeps them on their table as he again positions himself in front of them. Alternating his gaze between his feet and their faces.

The counsellors go through the bundle of papers but appear to be seemingly uninterested.

"There hasn't been much change in your 'Sustenance report' since your last session." The counsellor remarks.

[A 'Sustenance report' is a monthly profiling session students have to go through in school. Students in their senior or final year of school need to pick a career path based on which they are then guided by the institution.]

 "There hasn't been much to add." Meeting the gazes of the counsellor Artharv speaks in an extremely polite manner.

 "What about your career path? You still haven't chosen one." The Counsellor adds, still going through the papers.

"I'm not sure of anything in particular now."

 "Some other kids in your batch also aren't sure. We understand that but you have to give us something to work on. The other kids, since they're not sure, have put down multiple prospects but you're the only kid who hasn't put anything."

"Yes, I will put it soon. I just need to consult with my parents a bit more."

"Get it done fast, we've literally been wasting our time with you."

Atharv nods feeling embarrassed, his gaze falls back to his feet.

"You can leave, send the next kid in. And listen trust me on this, based on your grades just add any 5th or 7th tier course and move on. No point contemplating much."

A bit startled Atharv leaves the room without meeting their gaze, informing the next person in line to enter.


In the academic classroom, all the students are settled in their seats while the teacher addresses them.

"So this is the solution does anybody have any queries?" The teacher announces to the class.

Shrishti raises her hand instantly.

"Yes, Shrishti?"

 "I have a doubt regarding how you solved it using by-parts?"

"Okay, I'll show it once again no worries. If anybody has any issues please tell, I'll repeat it as many time as you want me to."

Atharv enters the class after completing his counselling session and goes to his alloted seat. He turns to the boy sitting next to him. "Cecil! What has she been teaching, can you help me catch up?"

 "No idea man, I've just been sleeping with my eyes open."

Atharv turning to the Meher who sits behind him.

"Don't look at me. I don't get anything she teaches."

When the teacher again pauses before moving to the next question, Atharv raises his hand.

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