The Arctic Empire

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(Phil's POV)
We were all sat at the table except one, breakfast ready right in front of us.

"Daniel, will you go get Tommy please." I asked to one of the butlers that was in the room. He nodded and left to go get Tommy. I sighed and shook my head, that boy will be the death of me.

"Now he's made my breakfast go cold." I heard my oldest say looking down at his now cold eggs and waffles.

"It still tastes the same Will." Techno, my second child replied back. Will rolled his eyes and Techno went back to reading his book. Everyone always asks me which kid I love the most but I could never chose, I love them all equally. I love Wilbur's singing and how he can lighten any mode, I love Techno's snarky responses and how he can go on and on about history, and I love Tommy's sense of humor and how he acts like he doesn't care but secretly it means the world to him. When we're all together we have the best time of our lives, but on some days it doesn't go like that.

(Tommy's POV)
I heard a small knock on my door and sat up abruptly.

"Tommy, your dad called you for breakfast." I heard Daniel say as I pulled on some pants and a nice white button up shirt.

"Yeah I'll be down in a second." I called back and heard him walk away.

God, I shouldn't have stayed up so late, I'm so dumb.

I walked into the bathroom connected to my room and looked in the mirror. I was a mess, I had black spots under my eyes and my hair was a tangled knot. I grabbed my brush and made my hair look presentable, I ran my hands through it and gave myself a thumbs up in the mirror. There was nothing I could do about the black spots so I left the bathroom and started my way down the long hallway. I liked walking down this hallway, it was full of photos and paintings of me and my family. One of my favorite photos was me and Techno playing with fake wooden swords when we were younger and Phil was trying to break us up. It always made me laugh. The photos aren't even the best part though, it was the big bay window that was my favorite. I could sit there forever looking out at the town and watching the villagers go on about there day. Pillars lined the walls going up to the ceiling making archways, green and blue colored flower patterns painted the dull cream colored ceiling. Our flag was pinned to the wall, the white circle in the middle outlined with cyan lines and a dark blue border. I like our flag I thought it look interesting, well other flags looked boring and dull. I stopped walking when I got to the big dark oak doors, i took a deep breath getting ready for my doom. I grabbed the black metal handle, the cold burning my hand, and pulled the door open stepping inside the dining hall. I saw my brothers and father sitting at the overly large sized dining table.

"Look who finally decided to join us." Techno said without looking up from his book. I rolled my eyes at him even thought he wasn't looking at me and took my rightful place at the table, beside Wilbur and across from Techno, Phil sat at the head of the table, which was to the right of me.

"Alright, now that everyone is here let's eat." Phil said after clearing his throat.

I looked down at my food not feeling hungry after I had stayed up stealing snacks from the kitchen.

"Are you not hungry Tommy?" Phil asked from beside me.

"No, not really."

"He stayed up eating snacks all night I'm sure." Techno remarked.

"So that's where all the crackers went." Wilbur joined in.

"Shut up." I simply replied, picking at my food.

(Tubbo's POV this is before Tommy woke up)
I woke up to the sound of bells ringing in the distance and looked out my window. The sun was just rising, meaning it's around 6 or 7 in the morning. I have always been a morning person, I loved waking up to birds singing, and the way it smelled in the morning was amazing. The way the sun hit the earth so perfectly was so beautiful. I knew the only people in the castle who would be awake were the maids getting ready for their morning chores. I still woke up at this time anyway, I had become friends with some of them and would often talk to them while they worked. I hopped out of my warm bed and went into my closet grabbing a green button up shirt and some black pants. I went into my bathroom and got dressed. After putting on the fresh clean clothes I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I walked into the dimly lit hallway and made my way down to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

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