The Afterlife

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-this chapter contains blood and descriptive gore. If you don't like reading those kinds of things I would skip to the end where you will be provided a description-

-Phil's POV-

I walked down the sunlit hallways with Techno and Wil by my side. Bells rang in the distance, signaling an announcement. The whole village gathered around the bottom of the long, stone, stairs that went up to the castle. Two guards opened the grand, oak doors that lead to outside. Mothers, Fathers, and children awaited my message, some had tear stained faces, others had blank expressions.

"Thank you for gathering here today. It's been a tough couple of days, the attack on both the village and my youngest-" My voice cut out, not wanting to deliver the news.

"Father I can deliver it." My oldest, Wilbur whispered to me. I shook my head, I needed to deliver it myself.

"-The attack on both the village and my youngest, Tommy, has been hard on all of us. I have figured out who has been planning the attacks, I was willing to talk with them and negotiate a peace treaty. Then they went after my son and crossed the line, I can no longer be at peace with them, so I have to declare war. With Schlatt and Eret on our side, we will win!" Cheering and clapping was heard. "Dream will pay for what he did to are kingdom, what he did to my son. Now the news you all want to hear. Tommy... Tommy has not awoken yet. The doctors say he will soon, so don't worry yet." Small whispers broke out among the villagers. "This is all I have for today, you can return to your work now." I dismissed them back to their homes, and walked back into my own.

"Father, would you like to spar." Techno came up to me and asked a question I haven't heard in a long time.

"Of course." I put a small smile on my face and started walking with my son.

-Wilbur's POV-

My father and Techno walked off to spar, and left me to myself. I don't know how my father does it, give such horrible news without crying.

'Will I be able to do that?' I thought to myself.

I can't talk to Phil about this he already has so much on his plate. I walked down the sunlit halls, passing Tommy's room and going to the one across form it. I knocked on the door several times before he opened the door.

"Wil, what are you doing here?" Eret asked with raised eyebrows.

"Could we talk?" A look of worry crossed his face.

"Of course." He opened the door farther and led me into the room. "What do you want to talk about?" He questioned me.

"How-how do you run your people so well?"

"Are you worried you won't be good enough to rule?"

"Ju-just answer the question."

"I listen to what they need and I try my best to make it happen. Before my father past the rule of king to me he said 'The people are the kingdom, not the castle. If you don't pay attention to them, and you do what you want, you are not fit to call yourself a ruler.' So I did what he told me to, I led the people."

"What if I can't deliver what they ask?"

"If they are really behind you, they'll understand. And sometimes you have to make a tough decision, and if you pick the wrong answer, they will be there to help you get to who you're meant to be."

"Thanks Eret, that really helps."

"I'll always be there for you, even when everyone leaves.

-??? POV-

I awoke in a dark, cold, wet, place. I could feel my teeth clatter together, but heard no noise. I tried to scream but I heard nothing. Not even a small whimper.

Metal tasting liquid dripped out of my blue lips onto the black, smooth ground. Chains clamped to my feet and hands, kept me from running. The cold metal dug deep into my skin, causing the skin to tear away and be replaced with dark red, shiny, sticky blood that oozed from my wrists and ankles.

Small drops of salty water dripped from my eyes onto my pale withered skin. I wanted to wipe my tears but I couldn't move, the pain was to much to handle.

Small cards were laid around me, some ripped apart, well others were splattered with blood. I reached to grab a four of hearts, before pain shot up my arm, causing me to lay it back down.

My eyes drifted upwards, looking around the black room. In front of me was a white smiley mask, broken in two. It was just floating there, untouched and unnoticed.

When I looked to my left I saw a small book with the word 'revival' written across the front cover. To my right was a man in a green hoodie sharping a small dagger.

The man tsked at me when he realized I was awake.

"You weren't supposed to die Tommy." He stood up the wooden chair falling to the ground. "I thought you were stronger then that." I tried to respond to the man but no words spilled from my mouth. "Do you want to go back Tommy? Do you want to be alive again."

I shook my head, desperate to get out of these chains. He knelt down in front of me and grabbed my face. He whispered words I didn't understand into my ear.

The world went dark, darker then before. My body felt like it was being pulled and stretched back together. Bones cracking and being put back together as if nothing happened to them. Blood being drained back into my body, and my brain being put back into my skull. It felt like I was dying.

I couldn't scream out for my mouth was not attached to my face. The pain felt sharp and harsh, like I was a dog toy being chewed to bits. When my eyeballs were placed back in their sockets, they shot open.

I was meant with a harsh light that burned into my irises. I took in my surroundings, realizing I was back in my room.

I felt a heavy weight on my arm and looked down to see a sleeping Tubbo. He was pressed up tight against my side. Tear streaks were stained onto his face, and his hair laid all about. I shook him gently, not wanting to scare him.

"Tubbo wake up, my arm is falling asleep." His eyes opened slowly but shot open once he saw me awake. He lunged at me, pulling his arms around my neck and resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"Tommy, I thought you were going to die. Never scare me like that again." He lightly slapped my arm and giggled. "You must be hungry, I'll go find everyone. They'll be so happy to see you up. He left the room, slamming the door from happiness.

I didn't even realize the smile I wore on my face, till I looked in the mirror next to me.

Description: Phil makes the declares war against Dream to his people and tells them news about Tommy. After Techno and Phil go to spar leaving Wilbur by himself. He goes to talk to Eret about his worries of being king, and Eret tells him to listen to his people and everything will be fine. Tommy is in the afterlife with Dream, who brings him back to life using the revival book.

Word Count: 1279

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