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(3rd persons POV)
The people that did manage to fall asleep that night, had nightmares of there prince. Images filled their heads of a bloody dying child. Mothers and fathers worried for their own children, and kept them close, locking their doors and windows. But nothing came.

Niki and Fundy had gotten moved to a guest room by Eret and Shlatt well they were sleeping. They tried to move Tubbo as well but he had such a strong grip on Tommy, they couldn't even move him an inch. Wilbur was way taller then both of them so they didn't even try with him.

The sun just over the horizon, painting pink, orange, and purple streaks on the fluffy clouds that were slowing moving across the dark blue sky. Few villagers were up-most had not fallen asleep-setting up their shops or getting ready to start building again.

The king sat at his desk, his wings ruffled and messy, his hat lopsided, and tear stains covered his flushed face. He had been busy writing a speech for his announcement today. He was going to declare war upon Dream, he was also going to give them an update on Tommy.

Tommy hadn't woken up yet, Phil had checked almost every hour of the night. After Techno had escorted him to his room, he fell asleep instantly, but when he thought he heard screaming, he awoke in a cold sweat.

So here he was, occasionally yawning or nodding off. His ink well dried out by now as well as his eyes, puffy and red. He had shed many tears for the young boy, pondering if he was going to awake or not.

His hands ached from writing, many papers crumbled up and thrown on the floor, but only one laid flat on his old wooden desk. Small black words of sorrow written in neat penmanship on a piece of parchment. He could hardly keep his eyes open, as he re-read the message his hands had written.

The clock on the wall next to him, made a small ticking sound that dug into his mind. He wanted to smash it into a million piece, but his tired bones wouldn't move an inch. He couldn't even move to the couch to rest his eyes.

He heard the bell tower ring in the distance, signaling six o'clock. He knew the only people that would be awake was Techno and the workers. He was smart to not bother Techno this early in the morning, he was probably reading or writing, and he saw this as sacred time-he never got piece and quiet during midday-.

He forced his stiff bones to move to the couch, hearing an occasional pop or crack of a joint. He laid down on the black leather couch and stared into the fire. The flames rising and falling from wind, and the color changing ever so slightly from time to time.

Soon enough the warmth and comfort the fire gave him, lulled him to sleep. Soft snores were heard from the man as he dreamt about his youngest. Good and bad dreams swirled together, showing him the good and bad directions of both his son and war.

He awoke to a loud knock on his dark oak door, causing him to jump at the sudden sound. Bells were soon heard after, ringing eight times.

"Father, it's very late." He heard his oldest, Wilbur, call for him. He got off of the couch, the floor squeaking under him as he made his way to the door.

"Hello Wilbur, has Tommy awoken?" He asked eagerly.

"No, not yet. His heart rate is steady though, and the doctor says he'll wake soon." He answered giving the king bits of hope.

"Hopefully, I have a speech to give soon." He sighed and looked back over at the small parchment, a frown over taking his face.

"I can give it if you need more rest father." The brown haired male said, putting his hand on his fathers shoulder.

"No, I can give it. I'll do it later, after I eat." His son cracked a small smirk, removing his hand.

"There's waffles down stairs, they made Tommy's favorite in hopes the smell would wake him."

Unfortunately the young boy didn't awake from the smell. He stayed asleep, unbothered by his surroundings, and the struggles his family was facing.

If you guys would prefer I can write shorter chapters like this one and update more frequently ———>>

Word Count: 751

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