first time butterflies

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You're eyes were as green as emeralds, like the grassy praries in Sweden. The first time she looked directly into them. Suddenly everything rushed into her. She gets one first impression. she doesn't want to be someone he won't like. The butterflies soon altered who she was, becoming too shy to speak; becoming someone he wouldnt like.

A brief impression was all she needed to make her decision. He was perfection. She knew, he had flaws that was noticeable by the naked eye. The crooked nose from boxing, the slight slouch, the jittery speach, but nothing stood out more than the fact it was him.

She made her decision quickly, she never wanted to lose him. But two very different people make two very different decisions. The brief ten minutes during where they had met, he also mentally made his decision. He was done.
First impression is a lasting impression. That statement could have never been more true. For at this moment, she has waited three days with no word from him. Paranoid, knowing she messed everything up. Yet another person disappointed merely by her existence. For being the wrong girl.

The downside to having two majorly different opinions is also being majorly different. As she kept reassuring herself that he'd leave because of the way she looked, in reality he left because of the way she acted. "I'm really shy in person." She's told him a million times. But every time he'd reassure her that ot was going to be okay, and that she wouldn't mess things up. But when the light turns red, he stops and suddenly realizes how different they are. On that third day of waiting, he told her.

At this point in time, her entire world came crashing down. The boy who said he'd take a bullet for her, became the one behind the gun. Whether he knew ot or nor, he had just mentally destroyed her. She was aware of the fact that he was going to leave, the only thing she could do was beg for a second chance. But the last thing he wanted was for her to change.. And he knew, she'd have to change who she was for the second chance.

Of course, the off topic young lady would have enjohed having him in her life. But as time swept by, she came to realize that it was all for the better two polar opposites are never good for another. They cancel one another out leaving nothingness. Few simple.conversations, here and there between ber and the boy became the highlight of her weeks. One simple "how are you?" Could give her a natural high that would last for weeks upon weeks. As the course of life drove through the months, the conversations became fewer, the words suddenly less meaningful. Until they went month's without talking to each other, not caring whether death had came to capture them or not, they became strangers, once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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