Chapter thirteen// The Cure

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They still trust me.

The thought made me grin as I fought beside Lucia, taking out Conquerors with mere swings of my mace. Some of them stared at me with something like recognition, but the Greencloaks around me paid no mind to their hesitations.

Of courssse they trussst you. Gerathon's low, amused hiss startled me.

Zay doesn't. I answered, delivering a particularly fierce blow to subdue an approaching tiger. It sent the cat yowling back to whatever hole it'd crawled out of.

She'ssss delusssional. The Great Snake purred back. They'd be foolssss to believe her.

Isn't that what you're always telling me, though? That Greencloaks are fools?

Fear not, little one. They're not that foolish. Or, at leassst, I hope not. For your sssake.

Her detachedness from the comment made me shiver. I'd always known better than to believe that Gerathon actually liked me. I was just a tool to the Great Beast. But a small, hopeful part had wished for her to care. Even just the tiniest bit.

Now that hope was gone.

But I was loyal to Gerathon, I had no other choice. She could kill me in a heartbeat, without even blinking.

I could. She laughed.

And you will. I responded darkly, my expression pulling down into a frown. Once I am of no use to you.

Correct. I could practically see her grinning with those long fangs of hers. Better make sssure you ssstay ussseful. It was a playful threat, but a threat nonetheless. Her presence uncoiled in the depths of my mind. You know what you have to do.

I sighed. I do. I'll get it done as soon as I see an opening.

Good. Make ssssure they don't sssee what'ssss coming. Good luck, little one. She retreated with a low hiss.

Hm. I answered with a noncommittal sound. "Don't worry," I muttered, turning my gaze to Lucia. "They'll have no idea what hit them. Until it's too late."

The Euran turned, her longsword a blur as she slashed through opponent after opponent. She met my eyes and quirked an eyebrow.

I smiled back, casually edging closer as I fought. All I'd have to do is swing my mace up, hit her in the chest–

"Liz, duck!" The horse-summoner exclaimed, whirling toward me.

My body obeyed the command before my mind could comprehend it, dropping down. Her arm flashed out, a spray of blood following.

"Aargh!" The Conqueror who'd been advancing as my back was turned let out a growl. He clutched his shoulder, which now bore a bloody gash, and stumbled away.

"Oh, thanks." I straightened back up, pasting a sheepish look on my face. "I owe you one."

"No sweat." Lucia responded with a kind smile that made my gut twist with anger. "You looked distracted, everything okay?"

"Just peachy." I answered with a bright smile.

She laughed awkwardly, licking her lips uncomfortably. "Alright, nice. Well, try not to get yourself killed." With that, she dove into the melee, following the path that her spirit animal, Elle, had plowed.

"'Try not to get yourself get killed'." I mocked under my breath, seething. "I nearly had her!"

"Nearly had who?" The soldier beside me asked.

"Oh, shut up." I clubbed him over the head, smiling with satisfaction at the surprised look on his face.

I have it handled. I reminded myself as I turned and found my next opponent, attacking furiously. Widow appeared nearby, scuttling over and up onto my shoulder.

"There you are." I greeted grumpily.

The spider made no response, but I could feel her annoyance.

"Yeah, I know, I screwed up." I growled back. "She was right there!"

The spider's prickly fur brushed my skin as she shifted.

"I have it handled." I gritted out, swinging my mace and smashing it into a Conqueror's side. They crumpled to the earth.

I have it handled. I repeated it again, silently.

You'd better. Gerathon reared her ugly head. I don't need to remind you what happensss if you fail, do I?

No. I answered quickly, suppressing a shudder.

She hummed back, sounding excited. Good. Everything issss falling into place now. Keep it up, little one, and you may be rewarded yet.

Rewarded? I prompted, liking the sound of that. How so?

Well, you've been very ussseful. If you continue to ssserve–

It was gone. She was gone.

Gerathon? I cried out in my mind. Where are you? Come back! I hurriedly summoned Widow to passive, before she could disappear as well.

Gerathon! I called out again. It echoed around my mind, dark and empty. No! Come back!

"Lizzie, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I jerked out of my thoughts, feeling my hands shaking. "I'm okay." I steadied myself before answering Lucia. She'd returned to my side at some point, I guess. I couldn't focus on the real world. Gerathon was gone.

The battle was still going, but the few Conquerors still fighting lacked gold-yellow irises. The majority of animals that had been injured were called back to passive state.

Some Conquerors were trying to retreat. Clearly, Gerathon hadn't just left me. They were feeling it as well.

Fury ran cold through my veins. She was gone. She'd promised that she would never leave. She'd promised. I felt betrayed, again. Kicked aside, left alone.

Yet, that stubborn voice, the same one I'd thought to be crushed earlier, refused to believe it. She'll come back. She always does. She really does care about you. You just have to complete the plan.

Complete the plan.

The phrase blinded me. I looked around.

Complete the plan. Kill the Chosen Eight.

My hands tightened around the handle of my mace.

She'd come back. And when she did, she'd see that I did exactly as I had asked. I would be rewarded.

And maybe, just maybe, that hopeful little voice continued, she would love me.

Poor Liz
Gerathon ain't gonna love you girl
I'm sorry :(

Anyway!! Next chapter out tomorrow
Stay safe xx

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