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A/N: this was originally a story where every chapter is a sentence but I wanted to make it a one shot as well.

*Kellin pov*

"A few months ago, on a normal school day I was in my car with the windows down just smoking.

smoking has been normal to me since I was 13, I only started because My dad left my mom and I and all he left me was a stupid pack of cigarettes, my mom didnt care, hell she still doesnt care, shes never home when I'm home.

Anyways I was in my car smoking with the windows down, I saw you walking out of your red car with your brother a few parking spaces away from mine, you guys didnt notice me.

The shorter one caught my eye, you caught my eye. You were smiling as you lead Mike to the front door of the school. After inhaling too much and caughing on the smoke, I put out my ciggaret, dropped it outside of my car window and I steped on it as I got out of my car and slammed my door behind me. I found out your name was Vic, you walked into my english class a little late and my teacher smiled and said, 'you must be Victor', you smiled and said, 'call me Vic', you sat next to me, I put gum in my mouth and started chewing it slowly, the time felt like it was going by so slowly, five minutes left till class ends and I was trying to get up the nerve to talk to you. I turned to look at you and said, 'Hi Vic, you're new right" it was a stupid thing to ask because of course you were new.

"Yes, I am" you said to me, I stuttered and said "I-I'm Kellin", you told me it was nice to meet me, the bell rang, and you told me you would see me around. I hated it whenever someone told me they would see me around..Around what? Town? Lunch time that day came fast and I didnt see you again, I went outside to smoke and my friend Justin joined me. I asked him if he knew you. All Justin said to me was that you and Mike just moved here. I was confused and asked who this Mike kid was, Justin just told me, Mike was a badass and your brother. I scoffed, I'm the schools shy badass, I didnt need compition, but who am I kidding, the school didnt see me as a shy badass they saw me as a shy emo.

After a few minutes of beating myself up over not talking to you I decided to go inside and look for you.. I didn't find you but I bumped into your skyscraper of a brother, he knocked me to the floor without even trying. He helped me up and apologized, but it was all my fault, I bumped into him when I should've been walking around with my head up.. Anyways he asked me if I could give him a cigarette which I said yes to and I lead him outside, its so obvious that I smoked, he smelled the smoke on me and I didn't even smoke that much that day.. I took him outside and introduced him to Justin, turns out they had a few classes together and they really hit it odd, talking about random things. I felt left out but I didn't really care because I was just smoking another cigarette and thinking of you, and I realized being close with Mike could just get me closer to you.

lets forward to a few days later when we started spending more time together, you told me you needed help keeping up with school and getting caught up in English class. That's the only class I had with you anyways so I couldn't have helped you with anything else, after all you are too advanced for me.

We studied every other day at lunch, I would go to your house after school. You talked about Mike and how he must've been with his burn out friends, little did you know one of them was right before your eyes an inch away from touching you.

I wasn't hanging out with Mike, I was hanging out with the boy I started falling for.

Our relationship seemed very toxic, you grew protective over me and what I did, you started planing dates, even on our first date when I asked you to go to the movies with me you picked the movie, it was a scary movie which had me, the scared looking bad ass, cling onto you for comfort.

Kellic [One shots]Where stories live. Discover now