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Levi snorted. That was not the response he had been expecting. "I said," He paused for a second, "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings."

"Oh." Adelaide uttered, still unable to fully process what was happening.

"Oh?" Levi quirked a brow, sporting a less than impressed face. He did say he refused to apologize, so it was natural that Adelaide would be shocked by the sudden change of heart. She looked deep into his eyes trying to figure out any sort of hidden meaning behind his apology, but was unsuccessful.

"Thank you for your apology." Adelaide finally answered once she gathered her thoughts.

Levi hummed, but his face gave nothing away as to what he was thinking anymore. He simply released her face and pulled away before giving Adelaide a gentle push in the direction of the cafeteria doors.

Adelaide took the same seat she had only the day before. Nessa was quick to catch her in conversation, saying, "Is everything okay, Adelaide? I wanted to stop by and check on you yesterday, but I didn't know your dorm room number." Nessa's whole face had been overcome with concern as she questioned Adelaide.

Glancing quickly at Levi, Adelaide took a moment to answer. "I'm all good, Nessa. Thank you." She sent Nessa her warmest smile before taking out a scrap of paper and writing her room number down to hand her.


The rest of lunch passed without a hitch and Adelaide soon found herself beginning to walk to her last class of the day, English. In the few days she had been at school, she hadn't managed to make it far enough in the day to actually attend this particular class. The thought filled Adelaide with embarrassment that manifested itself on her cheeks.

The only issue was that she didn't exactly know where she was supposed to be going. She had hardly made it out of he doors of the cafeteria when she realized. Turning around, her eyes quickly found Nessa who instantly perked up as Adelaide turned her attention to her.

Flushed from embarrassment, Adelaide couldn't help her shy smile as she asked Nessa for directions.

"Oh!" Nessa exclaimed excitedly before continuing, "Levi has that class too. I'm sure he could show you the way." Nessa didn't wait for Adelaide's answer and instead whipped her head around and stalked off after him. Adelaide startled at the abrupt change in direction but followed nonetheless.

"Levi!" Nessa called. Levi had been leaning against the wall of the cafeteria while examining something small in his hands that Adelaide couldn't make out and would seemingly never find out about as he quickly stuffed it into his pocket once he heard Nessa.

Nessa quickly explained the situation to him as Adelaide stood awkwardly off to the side. Levi stared at her in thought as Nessa explained, intimidating Adelaide even more than normal. Regardless, Levi nodded his head in agreement to Nessa's rambles. Whether he actually cared about what she was saying or whether he was just nodding to get her to stop talking, Adelaide couldn't tell.

Once Nessa was on her way again after waving goodbye, Adelaide was yet again left alone with Levi. He simply nodded his head in the direction of one of the pathways and begin walking with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Adelaide promptly followed, keeping pace next to him.

Silence laced the stagnant air between them as they walked. It was almost unbearable for Adelaide so, even though she hesitated, she couldn't help but break it. "What were you looking at before?" She asked. Adelaide wish she thought through what she was gonna say before she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind, but she couldn't help it as she was curious.

"You shouldn't ask about things you're not supposed to know about." Levi replied without missing a beat. His tone wasn't accusatory, but it was clear he didn't care for the question.

"How am I supposed to know that I'm not supposed to know if I don't ask?" Adelaide looked up at him briefly, sporting a puzzled look.

Levi didn't answer, but it was clear he heard Adelaide as his face couldn't hold back the amusement in his eyes. "Why are you hiding it? I saw how quickly you stuffed it into your pocket." Adelaide continued, dissatisfied with his non-reply. She didn't usually speak so freely and without consideration of consequence, but her curious mind had overpowered.

"Maybe I'll show you one day." Levi finally answered. Adelaide's head whipped to look at him creating eye contact as he had already been looking her way. She opened her mouth like a fish, struggling with what to say. It didn't matter though as Levi continued, "If you're good of course." Adelaide could've sworn she saw him wink at her before he looked straight ahead again.

"If I'm good?" Adelaide asked, seeking clarification.

"Don't all good girls get treats?" Levi asked, amusement clear as day in his tone. "No exceptions. Even for you, little Addie."

Adelaide was sure Levi had to be only teasing her, but it didn't matter because her whole face and neck had become splotchy with red patches. She wanted to bring her hands up to her face so as to help cool herself off, but resisted since she didn't want to bring attention to it. Levi hadn't looked back at her anymore and she didn't want him to. She was sure the sight was not in the least bit attractive. Adelaide wasn't sure why she cared if it was or not, but something about Levi's presence made her eager to please and yet, also gave her the confidence to rebel.

Adelaide cleared her throat softly, unsure of how to respond. "I'm not a child." She knew it wasn't the best retort, but it was also better than staying silent.

"Did I say that?" Levi scoffed, but still kept his eyes on the sidewalk in front of them. "I'm pretty fucking confident in knowing you are certainly not a child, baby." He spared her a single glance, eyes moving over her up and down.

"Stop calling me that." Adelaide grumbled, flushing impossibly more. She meant to sound firm, but it came out as more of a whine. This was most likely because she didn't actually hate it, much to her embarrassment. It just flustered her the way Levi so shamelessly called her pet names as he pleased.

Levi tsked and shook his head, although his grin gave away his amusement. "That doesn't sound like a good girl to me."

Adelaide sent him to harshest glare she could muster in that moment, but Levi couldn't help but burst out laughing. His entire body shook as he couldn't contain his hysteria. Adelaide couldn't help her own giggles either, but quickly found herself immersed in just listening to Levi. She could tell he hadn't laughed like that in a long time and her mind was bursting with joy at being the one who would get to be a witness,  even if it was her own embarrassment that caused it.

As they finally approached the building, Levi began to sober up as he rubbed his hands over his face in an attempt to wipe the laughter away. His face had once again turned back into stone once they were back in the sights of the rest of the bustling students. Adelaide had already forgotten the reason as to why they were walking together and the sudden reminder left her feeling slightly disappointed, almost wishing they could just go back in their own little world.

Levi held the front door open and ushered Adelaide in with his hand on the small of her back. Seeing his face back to its usual intimidating state, Adelaide regretted not enjoying his laughter more while it lasted. Alas, the moment was gone and they had class to attend.

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