4 Locked

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His harsh words hung in the air. Jasper once was, which meant now Jasper was not.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"Do you care?"

"Yes," I agreed hesitantly. I wanted to make sure that he was gone and would not be looking for revenge.

I glanced at his face and saw that he was scowling. "Why? He was assaulting you. Or did I read that situation wrong?"

My protest was automatic. "No!" I met those hard eyes, and I could not quite look away, as if he could control me with his gaze alone. I shivered.

"Look at me, Huntress."

I did.

"I ripped his neck open and left him to bleed to death on the ground."

I froze. Summoning my courage, I asked, "You're sure he's dead?"

"Unless hunters can survive without an intact throat, then yes."

Guilty relief washed over me. Jasper could never torment me or chase me down again.

"You said you were useless, but my advisors don't agree with you. They believe we could use you in a prisoner swap."

"You're sending me back there?"

The most irrational dismay rushed through me, considering I was indeed a prisoner and my future was uncertain. This creature had killed Jasper. He could easily do the same thing to me.

Yet, I didn't care about that, not really. All I knew was that I was away from that place that I had begun to believe I would never escape. At least this was a new cage and maybe a new opportunity. Unlike the hunters, they might not think I would dare make an escape attempt.

"No. At least, not yet."

It was a reprieve.

"Does your leg hurt?"

I glanced at him uncertainly, trying to figure out what answer he wanted. He was different and I could not read him. "Yes?"

His brows deepened even further. He looked angry, but even with his obvious displeasure, he was oddly handsome.

My exhaustion was clearly getting to me.

"Come with me."


"Grab your crutches and come."

I did what he said without further question and awkwardly pulled myself off the bed by the old wooden contraptions they had supplied. I put them under my arms, and began to move forward on my good leg.

The stairs were a challenge, but I managed to hobble up to the top. His gaze burned across my skin as he watched my progress, leaving me feeling both awkward and exposed by his intense regard.

He led me through the house, and I tried to crutch as fast as I could to avoid his glower. I almost tripped and he growled as he roughly stopped me from another fall. "Could you be careful?"

"Sorry." I responded quickly and turned my eyes down to the ground. He growled again and I flinched.

I wished I could have explained that I had never been this clumsy before. I supposed that being rescued through abduction could have that effect on a person.

Finally we reached a door and he opened it, revealing a plain bedroom. I paused at the door, not sure what he intended for me. Terrible scenarios whirled through my mind. I risked a glance at him.

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