38 Uncomfortable

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I still didn't know why Sarah was worked up, but I couldn't really focus on it since something seemed seriously wrong with me.

She paused, her brow furrowing and her posture relaxing as she spoke. "Oh. Yeah. Yes, I'll do that. I know. Sorry, Devon. Yeah, right now."

She dropped her phone back into her pocket and wrapped her arm around me as she helped me to my feet.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"You're going to the clinic."

Anxiety filled me at the thought. I didn't want to see any doctors, not even the one with the dazzling smile who I only remembered as being kind to me. Before I could get really nervous, my fear was washed away by more pain. I doubled over, and Sarah picked me up with her ridiculous strength and practically ran me the whole way there.

That unpleasant clinical medical scent hit my nose as she pushed in through the door, and a woman who I guessed was probably a nurse showed Sarah where to put me, on a bed in an examination room. I gave Sarah permission to stay while the nurse gave me some pain medication in pill form, before asking me for a bunch of information.

Once she was finished, the doctor who checked my ankle when I had been locked up came in and glanced at my file. "So, you're experiencing pain in your abdomen?"

I nodded.

"Now, I haven't really dealt with a lot of humans before, but I have to ask, could this pain be related to your menstrual cycle, Luna?"


He looked confused by my response. Sarah shrugged at me, providing absolutely no help.

"As a human woman, your body should have a roughly monthly cycle. Your period, in common vernacular? That is, if I'm remembering correctly. I did only take one semester of human biology, so my memory might be failing me here. Let me double check."

"I don't think I've ever had this period thing you speak of." Another wave of cramping pain hit me and I tried to hold back my whimper.

He logged into a computer in the corner of the room. "Yes, your body should build up and shed the lining of your uterus. A bloody discharge, expelled almost monthly, and there may be cramping associated, which very well may be what you're currently experiencing." He pointed to a diagram of a female abdomen on the wall next to him to help explain as he spoke.

If I hadn't been in so much pain, I probably would have been completely mortified by the topic. Then a memory of blood occasionally in the bathroom garbages I had emptied while at the Lyndons came back to me. Was that what it had been? At the time I'd assumed Jasper had been torturing animals or something for fun, but I'd never dared ask.

"I think hunter women might have one? You sure you're not confusing the two kinds of creatures?"

"I don't believe so. I'm actually looking at human medical sources here. And your biology isn't that much different than from werewolves."

I groaned at another pain, but at least the edge was coming off from whatever the nurse had given me. "Also, uh, there's no blood."

"Then I must be wrong. It was short-sighted of me not to have studied human biology further, but I'll remedy that in the future, Luna. For now, Nurse Rene will keep you as comfortable as we can, and we'll find and fix the problem soon."

I nodded. My head was getting a bit dizzy from the medication, but the pain was almost gone. I was moved to a more comfortable bed in a patient room and I fell into a shallow sleep.

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