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A/N hey so just a lil thing before i start,, this is just for fun. i know im not good at writing but its just an idea:)) The characters aren't mine, they belong to jk rowling but the headcannons are, im sorry if theyve been used before its kinda hard to know if someones written something similar before. also some are quite common headcannons bc theyre adorable. also please if you dont support the lgbtq community dont read this and leave hate, no one needs your homophobia. i dOnt support jk rowling or tom felton just to be clear. anyways ima start

everyone always knew remus loved his sweaters. they were always stretched out so that even on his very tall frame they were long and hung over his hands. when sirius and remus were dating, though sirius always tried to project himself as being punk rock and too cool for knitted sweaters, he could often be found curled up in one. it would swamp him, because he was quite a bit shorter than remus, but he loved the smell, and the warmth it brought him. 

however, he still didn't like people seeing him in his non-punk-rock form, so didn't leave the dorm with one on, until one day he braved sitting in the common room. he thought everyone was in hogsmeade so he sat on a sofa and attempted reading one of remus' books until he fell asleep. and as time passed, it got later, closer to the time where people would get back, and still he didn't wake up. the smell from the sweater and the warmth from the embers left in the fire kept him lulled into a deep sleep.

soon people filed back into the common room, remus, lily, peter, james, marlene and dorcas being some of the first. they all just stared at this 'punk rock' boy with a calm expression on his face, wearing his boyfriend's huge knitted sweater, the fire glow soft on his face. remus was the most awe-struck by this adorable scene and as sirius woke up he went over and kissed his nose. sirius didn't even seem to particularly care at the time, although later he would go into a long rant about how people would never see him the same again, and his awesome cool punk rockness was rUiNeD.

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