remus headcannon thingy

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A/N sorry im aware that again this isnt a gay headcannon but it is lgbtq+; i was just thinking about a transgender remus and how it might go and i wanted to share:D

also please please please correct me if i say anything offensive im still learning and educating myself and its absolutely not my intention to hurt anyone, i just really really liked this idea:)) also feel free to leave your experiences in the comments if any of you have gone through this!! ive tried to be as accurate as possible but i dont know how it feels because im not transgender so i dont want to pretend this captures that. 

okay so imagine summer between 3rd and 4th year and remus is at home, quite bored (this is pre-questioning and transitioning and everything so hes female presenting). hes especially bored one day, and its pretty hot so he decides to walk into town for a few hours; maybe visit a bookshop or get an ice cream or something. and, while hes there, he sees a boy wearing a skirt. and it looks really good on him. 

as hes watching, the boy turns and sees him, and waves at him. he waves back, and walks over to him.

'hi! are you getting an ice cream?'

'oh, yeah, probably. it's so hot today!'

'yeah it is pretty hot actually.' remus smiled again and opened his mouth to speak, hesitating. 'are you- are you wearing a skirt?' he blushed. wow, that was a stupid question. it probably sounded rude, too.

'yeah, i am. you got a problem with that?'

'no, no! i think it looks good on you! i just- i've never seen a boy wear a skirt before.'

'oh, yeah, okay, fair enough. thanks. i guess i just think clothes are literally pieces of fabric, so why is it that they have to be given a gender.'

'oh, yeah, thats true.' remus smiled at him, but was internally questioning everything.


aaaaand for the rest of the summer remus thought about that encounter. he was suddenly very intrigued about this. clothes didnt have a gender. they didnt make that boy any less of a boy. they didnt only have to be worn by girls. so, he could wear more stereotypically masculine hair, and cut his hair into a pixie cut, and look like a boy if he wanted to. and it wouldnt make him any less of a.... girl. 

he wanted to do some research but didnt know where he was supposed to find information about that sort of thing. he tried going to the library but they didnt have anything, and went to the bookshop; again, nothing. and then a thought came to him. 


Hey Lils! 
How's your holiday going? I can't believe it's only 3 more weeks and then we're in 4th year... First year of our OWL's syllabus! And they're next year... Pretty scary to think about!
Anyway, you probably didn't need that reminder about school. I mainly just wanted to ask you about something I've been thinking about recently. I can't seem to find anything about it anywhere else and you're the smartest person I know who might know something about this. The other day I saw a boy wearing a skirt, and it just got me thinking. Clothes don't have a set gender, so why do we? We're born as a boy or a girl and it seems we're expected to stick with it, but just because our physical appearance presents us with a biological determination of sex doesn't mean we feel the same way. So, my question is, do you think there are people who feel like that? And what do you think they do about it? What happens?
Sorry to bother you with that question; it probably sounds stupid but I was just curious. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer! Let me know what you're up to and maybe we could meet up in Diagon Alley at some point.
Love Rhea


Hey Rhea!
It's going great thank you! I've just been doing some work and relaxing honestly. I am quite nervous about starting next year but I'm sure we'll be fine!
Also, about your question. I completely agree with that boy, clothes absolutely don't belong to one gender, and can be worn by anyone. And, I'm not really sure. I suppose it's expected of us because it's the societal 'norm', which isn't right. And I would expect that some people definitely do feel that way, although I can't say I'm sure what would happen. Maybe they would transition into their correct body, although I'm not certain how that would be done. I'll try and do some research on it and I'll get back to you! I'm sure Hogwarts will have some books on that too and we can look together at school if you'd like.
It's no bother! I'm happy to help! And yes, that'd be lovely. I'm free nearly any time from now; let me know when you're planning on going. Hope to see you soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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