2 years later

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2 years had passed. Kitty and Anna had been planning their wedding perfectly while spending time with their baby girl. Everyone had taken a step back from the show. Some force had been pushing money at them and the two of them had watched Isabella grow. Her first smile, first laugh, first words- 'mama' and 'momo' which developed into 'mommy', her first steps and now it was her second birthday. Anna wakes up early and starts making breakfast for Kitty and Isabella. She'd gotten her that miniature letterman jacket, black jeans, red converse and a white t shirt. Just like hers. Elizabeth had just started school, Mary was in secondary school and Edward and Mae were a pair of tiny little tricksters. Isabella was more quiet and preferred to just cuddle up to her or Kitty. Kitty had gotten her a rocking horse and cowgirl costume. Anne had gotten her a pink sparkly inflatable chair, Cathy had gotten her books, Elizabeth got her a huge stuffed unicorn, Jane and Catherine got her a new bed- real grandma stuff, Mary got her a duvet set for it, Edward got her a fluffy blanket, Joan got her a toy car that could be pushed around and once she was old enough the bottom popped out to let her push herself about, Maria had gotten her a little pretend mechanic play set with a play petrol pump, Maggie had gotten her a huge toy kitchen thing and Bessie had gotten her food and cooking/eating utensils for it. They were letting her have a mixture of toys and outfits instead of just shoving all girly girly girl stuff.
"Mommy? Mama?" She finishes cooking and carries the stuff to her and kitty's room before going into Isabella's room and lifting her out of her cot.
"Hello my little birthday jelly bean" the jelly bean thing stuck. She changes her and then carries her into her and kitty's room just as she wakes up.


"Mama! Bella day"
"Hi jelly bean! Happy birthday cutie!" Anna smiles as she sets her down and puts the tray of food on the bed. They eat together and Kitty smiles as Isabella starts jumping on the bed.
"She's got your energy babe" Anna chuckles, looking at her.
"And your confidence" Kitty says, smiling at Anna who smiles and kisses her.
"Let's get ready then. Meaning one part of the birthday present" Anna says, getting up and taking the bag with the outfit out of the wardrobe.
"I'll get her dressed. You get yourself ready" she says and Kitty nods, smiling as Anna picks Isabella up and walks out. She could still remember the day she was born like it was yesterday.
"Okay it's time. Push!" All she could feel was pain. She grips Anna's hand as she pushes. Probably breaking her fingers
"You're doing great babe. Keep going" she pushes again and screams.
"I can see the head keep pushing!" Why was it so painful?!
"One more. One, two, three, push!" She gives one last push and then flops back against the pillows. There's a moment of silence and then the sound of a baby crying.
"Here she is. A beautiful baby girl" she smiles as she's handed her baby girl who immediately stops crying when she's handed over. She was so beautiful. All the pain was so worth it. So so worth it

"Mama! Like mommy!" She's snapped out of her thoughts by her bundle of joy leaping on her with Anna following close behind. She really looked like a mini Anna all dressed up like that. And then Anna pulls out another bag.
"Oh so we're doing the matching thing?"
"Yeah. I thought you might like to have my one seeing as you wore it more than I did" Anna says and Kitty smiles.
"Thanks babe" she goes and gets ready and walks out to see Anna brushing Isabella's hair to try tame it. She insisted on having it kept long just hers and wanted to dye it pink. So not happening. Until she was 16 at least.
"Mama!" Anna manages to get two ponytails tied up before Kitty has to catch Isabella who decided to jump at her.
"For a kid who has only barely mastered walking she sure can move" Anna chuckles and Kitty nods.
"She sure can. I think she's gonna be a dancer. Or a soccer player because that kicking will never be forgotten" she says and Anna chuckles, standing up and kissing her forehead.
"Let's head downstairs. I'm sure everyone's gonna want to see our jelly bean for her birthday"
"I still find it really cute that she calls Catherine abuelita and Jane nana"
"It's the absolute cutest" Kitty says as she carries Isabella downstairs, Anna walking beside her.

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