Birthday girl

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Jane smiles as she takes Isabella to give her a hug.
"Hello you! Happy birthday" she says and Isabella giggles.
"Nana look! Like mama and mommy" she says proudly. She was dressed up just like Kitty and Anna and it was so cute.
"We were thinking of going out for breakfast. The three of us" Anna says and Jane smiles. Perfect way to get the bed set up without raising any questions. They'd gotten her a really cute pink wooden one and Anne had dug out the old bed barriers to put on it.
"Well that sounds very fun!" Jane says, handing Isabella back to Kitty who puts her into her buggy.
"Wait where's twinkles?" Anna says and Kitty runs upstairs, coming back with the pink stuffed cat Isabella took everywhere with her. They say goodbye and leave and moments later Anne comes down carrying Elizabeth.
"Anne how are you able to carry a whole five year old?"
"She likes her morning cuddles and we had to come down to help set up for the party"


Kitty smiles as she pushes Isabella down the street with Anna at her side.
"This is a dream come true for me" Anna says and Kitty looks at her.
"I have a beautiful fiancée and a beautiful little girl. It's something I've always dreamed of" she says and Kitty smiles, kissing her cheek.
"I could say the exact same thing" she says and Anna smiles.
"I love you"
"I love you too. Now let's go get pancakes before someone gets hangry" Kitty says and Anna chuckles. Isabella was known to get grumpy when she was hungry. Much like Kitty. They find a place and sit outside. It was summer anyways. The day right before Anna's birthday too. She called Isabella the best early birthday gift she could've ever gotten which Kitty thought was just the most adorable thing ever.
"Hey jelly bean. What are you gonna have then?" She says, getting Isabella into a high chair.
"Okay. Just one cookie because it's your birthday but you gotta have something else first"
"And what else?"
"So a soft boiled egg, toast and a cookie. And apple juice" Anna says and Isabella nods.
"Full English and tea?" She says, looking at Kitty and smiling.
"As always" Anna heads in to order leaving Kitty with Isabella. And then a man walks over.
"Hi cutie. You here with your little sister?"
"She's my daughter. My fiancée is ordering our food. Please go away" she says and the man just rolls his eyes and walks away. Anna comes out just as he does and sits down.
"Was he bothering you babe?"
"I dealt with it. And he left when I said I had no interest" she says and Anna smiles, hugging her.


Jane smiles as she puts the mattress on the bed. It was perfect. Everything was ready to go. Now they just had to wait. The past 2 years had been great so far. Elizabeth and Mae were now inseparable, Mary was 13 and top of all her classes, Edward had started doing a kids soccer thing and was loving it and Isabella had been growing fast. When she was born the doctors said she was the healthiest and happiest baby they'd ever seen. She was the perfect mix of Anna and Kitty. Anne and Cathy were chosen to be her godparents. Because Cathy was the closest thing Anna had to family. As was Catherine. Which is why she was now being called abuelita.
"We got a five piece set Jane we need to get everything else set up" Anne says, pointing to the other boxes. Nightstand, wardrobe, dresser and shelves.

Time skip

Kitty mops Isabella's face clean with a baby wipe and picks her up.
"All happy and fed now jelly bean?" She says and Isabella nods happily.
"All done!" Kitty smiles at this and puts her back in her buggy with twinkles.
"Where to next then?" She says and Anna smiles.
"Why don't we go to the playground for a while?" She suggests and Kitty nods.
"That sounds good"
"Play!" They walk there and Anna takes photos as Isabella plays.
"Excuse me are you taking pictures of that child?" A woman asks, pointing to Isabella who was playing on the slide with Kitty keeping a close watch.
"She's my daughter. Today is her birthday" she says, showing the lady a photo of her, Isabella and Kitty.
"Oh! Oh you three make such a lovely little family!"
"Thanks" then Kitty comes over carrying Isabella who was crying.
"Hey what happened jelly bean?" She puts her phone away and takes her to give her a hug.
"An older boy pushed her down the slide. I caught her before she could get too badly hurt but when I went to his parents but they just said boys will be boys"
"Right where are they? I'll go talk to them" Anna says, giving Isabella one last squeeze before handing her back to Kitty who points to a couple across the way with a kid who looked about 10. Anna nods and walks over, standing in front of them.
"Excuse me what are you on thinking it's acceptable for your child to shove a toddler down a slide?"
"Like we said already, boys will be boys"
"No. This is not boys will be boys so cut the bullshit. Your child is how old?"
"He's 10?"
"Ten. And he pushed my daughter. She's 2! So no this isn't boys will be boys. It's incompetent idiots will let their kid get away with anything. Especially picking on little kids"
"Our Braidyghn would never"
"Oh I did mum. She was taking too long to go down so I helped her"
"See? Such a good little boy"
"Oh great you're one of THOSE mothers. Listen here. My kid is two. She barely just knows how to walk. She could've been seriously hurt if my fiancée didn't catch her in time"
"No harm done then" the mom says, standing up flexing her non existent muscles.
"You don't scare me" Anna says, mirroring her actions. Only difference is she had some.
"Sorry how old did you say your kid is?" The dad asks, standing up too.
"Two. Today that is. We thought we'd bring her here as a special birthday treat"
"Well happy birthday to her. Braidghyn up" Anna watches as the dad grabs the boy by the arm and drags him over to Kitty, Anna and his wife following.
"What do you say?"
"Sorry but-"
"No buts"
"I'm so sorry about him. He's not going out for a very long time. He's also not getting video games for a long time" the dad says, taking out his wallet and handing Kitty £20.
"There. As a little birthday gift. It was supposed to go towards a surprise for Braidghyn but seeing as he's picking on smaller kids he doesn't get his PlayStation card now" and then they leave, the mom revving up the complaint engine at the dad for putting his foot down.
"Well that was....interesting. Why don't we go spend some of this money?"
"Yeah we can get a teddy! What else?"
"Dress up?"
"Yeah! Let's go then"

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