Date night

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The next day

"Mama up" Kitty smiles and picks Isabella up, giving her a cuddle.
"Are you gonna be a good girl for Nana and Abuelita tonight?"
"There's mi mariposita!" Lina says, coming into the room smiling.
"Abuelita!" Kitty chuckles and passes Isabella over.
"Jane sent me to tell everyone lunch is ready"
"Perfect thanks Lina!"
"Wanna help abuelita round everyone up for lunch?"
"Uh huh!" She could hear Lina talking to Isabella from the kitchen and sets the table while Jane does some finishing touches.
"I'm guessing Lina put herself on Isabella duty?"
"Yeah. She looks so happy with her"
"Well so do you and Anna. You guys are wonderful moms"
"You think so?"
"Yeah! Just watching you two with her. I bet you're excited for the first holiday"
"We are. We have so much planned"
"It's gonna be nice to get away for a bit" Kitty says as she helps Jane carry the food over and the others walk in with Lina carrying Isabella and Edward. Cathy and Anne were carrying Elizabeth and Mae.
"Where's Anna?"
"She's coming down in a minute. She's just finishing packing Isabella's bag" Lina says, getting Isabella and Edward into their high chairs. Kitty sits down and gives Isabella some food, making sure she was okay and had a bib on. Anna comes down and kisses Isabella on the top of the head before sitting beside Kitty and kissing her cheek. Lunch is full of laughter and fun before everyone goes outside for a while. Kitty leans against Anna while Isabella runs around with Mae and Edward.
"Look at her go. She's so cute" Anna whispers and Kitty smiles, kissing her.
"Our baby"

Time skip

"Bye bye mama! Bye bye mommy!" Anna smiles as she and Kitty give Isabella hugs and kisses before they leave.
"Bye bye princess. See you in the morning" she says and Kitty smiles.
"And tomorrow is gonna be super fun!" They give her one last hug and kiss before heading to the car and driving away.


Jane carries Isabella inside for dinner, handing her to Lina because Edward was tugging at her skirt.
"Buddy you gotta let Isabella have cuddles too okay?"
"Okay mama" he says, hugging her and smiling. She helps Lina, Anne and Cathy get the kids settled for dinner and helps serve it out. They'd decided to do it so they'd eat a dish from somewhere else in the world every day except Saturday which was takeout day. So Sunday was Spain, Monday was France, Jane chose Switzerland for Tuesdays, Wednesdays was Germany, Kitty chose Sweden for Thursdays and Cathy chose Italian for Friday.
"It's Sunday! You know what that means?" Anne says and they walk in with a plate of food. Lina had gone for something from where she'd grown up. A roast lamb. But made the way they made it there. Which smelled great. There was veg too. They serve it out and sit down to eat, Lina helping Isabella while Jane and Cathy fed Edward and Mae.

After dinner

After a great dinner and a dessert of ice cream with a maraschino cherry on each one, it was bath time. And Lina knew that would be more difficult. Isabella usually hated baths.
"Hey. How about we take a quick bath and then we can have a story before bedtime?" Lina says gently, getting down to Isabella's level.
"Okay" Lina smiles at this and gets her ready for the bath, washing her and her hair before lifting her out and wrapping her in a towel.
"There we go mi mariposita. All done"


Kitty smiles as her and Anna walk into the restaurant hand in hand. They're given a table and Anna pulls her seat out for her and pushes her in before sitting down herself.
"It's been a while since we could have a date night"
"Yeah. But it's worth it really" Kitty says and Anna nods.
"Yeah. So so worth it. We have the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen" she says and Kitty nods.
"She gets it from you" she says and Anna smiles.
"She got the cuteness from you though. Especially that little face she does when she wants something" she says and Kitty giggles.
"I love you so much Anna"
"I love you so much too liebling" Anna says, kissing her hand and smiling. They order their food and sit there talking. Deep fried Brie to start and then they both decided on steak and then for dessert they'd be going to see a movie so the snacks would cover it. And after that was ladies night at the arcade meaning games and also they opened up the soft play area for adults.
"So what have you planned for us?"
"It's a surprise"

Time skip

Kitty smiles as she sits beside Anna. She'd found a movie theatre with double seats for couples so now if she wanted cuddles she didn't have to deal with the arm rest or trying to get comfy and sit on Anna's lap in a way that wouldn't block her view. They'd be seeing in the heights. It was that or the conjuring and Kitty really hated horror movies. They sit there happily eating popcorn- Anna feeding Kitty randomly- and sipping drinks.
"I wanna stay cuddled up to you like this forever" Kitty whispers and Anna smiles at her in the dim light.
"Same here" she whispers, gently kissing her.


"Boo!" Anna yelps and turns around, pointing the laser gun at Kitty.
"You wouldn't shoot me right babe? Your fiancée. The mama of your daughter?"
"Sorry babe" Anna shoots her and runs off. She laughs when she hears Kitty's offended gasp and the sound of her running. And then a little thing pops up.
Sparkle sparkle bling bling just shot you
"Babe!" Anna turns around and hears Kitty giggling followed by a second notification of the same thing.
"Oh so it's war then?" They run around laughing and shooting for each other until time runs out and then it's soft play area time. Kitty is off like a shot and Anna laughs as she follows her.
"Now I know how our little jelly bean is so fast!" She chuckles as Kitty zooms around.

Another skip because I'm lazy and haven't updated in ages

She smiles as they walk home hand in hand and get in to pure silence. They peep in on Isabella to see her curled up cuddling her favourite stuffed cat and ducking her dummy. They'd moved to her only having it at night and it was really working. Kitty leans on Anna and smiles.
"Our baby. When'd she get so grown up huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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