The Collector Returns

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---Third Person's POV---
"Now," The Collector snarled. "You must go back to your exhibit where you belong. As for you....." The Collector turned to Joey and started making a purple ball. She blasted in towards Joey. Justine quickly ran out it front of Joey.

And then....... BOOM! Justine blasted a fireball at The Collector, knocking her over.

"Whoa!" Ro shouted.

"Justine!" Joey shouted. "I didn't know you could do that!"

"They're back!" Justine cheered.

"Here bitches!" Nikita shouted, running over to the trio. Right behind her was Tyler Oakly and Eva Gutowski. Eva looked at Justine and froze.

"Shit...." Eva mumbled.

"Nice to see you to Eva." Justine stated sarcastically.

"Us four are Comunicador De Muertes," Nikita stated. "We can communicate with the dead. Two or more of us could get in and out of here. I called Tyler and Eva when the portal first closed. They just got here, so... What's-" Tyler looked down at the Sorceress.

"Is that The Sorceress?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah." Ro replied. "She was cool. Now she's not." Tyler nodded.

"She was a massive bitch," Tyler stated. "Trust me on that."

"Let's get out of here." Eva stated.

"Wait," Joey stated. "We need that last key. And everyone is stuck in a jar." Justine walked over to grab the key when The Collector got up.

"Shit," DeStorm stated. "You guys are fucked."

"Not all hope is lost." Justine stated.

"You think," The Collector snarled. "You can kill me in my own museum? My soul will return here forever."

"She can't die." Joey stated. "If the Sorceress can't even kill her, then how are we gonna kill her?"

"Yours on the other hand," The Collector hissed. "Will go to hell!" The Collector points at the groups.

"Anyone have powers?" Tyler asked.

"I apparently can blast fireballs." Justine stated.

"What?" Eva asked.

"That is not a Comunicador De Muertes thing." Nikita stated.

"Okay," Tyler stated. "Justine, Nikita, and I will stay and fight The Collector. Eva, Ro, and Joey, you three find something. Any-" Suddenly, monsters were summoned. All of which Joey has seen before.

"Oh Eva!!" Creepy Maid Sarah snickered. Eva yelped.

"Am I in hell already?!" Justine shouted.

"Meet my latest collection!" The Collector shouted. Ro recognized Benjamin and High Tower from Everlock.

"Nope!" Ro shouted. "It's worse!" Justine stepped out in front of Ro to shield her.

"I thought," Justine stated. "My worst nightmare was from being buried alive. Then I thought my worst nightmare was from when you got killed in the maze. But no, this is worse than my worst nightmare."

"She brought them all back!" Joey shouted.

"Remember them?!" The Collector shouted. "They have not forgotten you!"

"Nice knowing you guys." Eva stated.

"Bring me their heads!" The Collector screamed. Justine started blasting fireballs.

"Go!" Justine shouted. Joey, Eva, and Ro took off running. Justine turned to The Collector.

"Prepare to beg," The Collector snarled. "Bitch." Justine created a fireball.

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