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After your mom and ex left, things finally started to calm down. You were able to spend time with Juice, and you made friends with some of the other girlfriends and Old Ladies. Despite being a bit stand-offish at first, you found that Tara was actually a really good friend. She just had to see for herself that you had no interest in Jax. Everyone could see that you only had eyes for Juice.

About 6 months after you started dating, you decided to ask Juice to move in with you. He'd been staying over most nights for awhile, so it seemed like the natural next step. You were headed to the clubhouse to talk to him now.

After parking, you headed inside. His bike was here, so he must be here too. When you got inside, you looked around. You didn't see him, and the chapel doors were open, so you headed to his dorm. You'd had a key for a few months now, so you let yourself in. You immediately wished that you hadn't.

Juice was in bed with his shirt off. He looked like he was sleeping. Walking out of the bathroom was Lyla, one of the porn girls.

You spun on your heel and hauled ass out of the clubhouse. You made it all the way to your car before Lyla caught up to you.

"Hey! Y/n! Stop. Let me explain."

You turned toward her, swiping the tears from your cheeks.

"What could you possibly say to make this ok?"

"It's not what you think. I swear. Juice OD'd, and I have some experience with it. I was in there taking care of him. He passed out on the floor in his bathroom, and one of the guys found him. They got him in bed. His shirt is off the help with the sweating. Your phone kept going to voicemail, and Gemma didn't find you at your house or work. We didn't know where you were."

You gasped, tears running even heavier.

"I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions, Lyla. Thank you for taking care of him."

"Don't worry about it. I know how it looked. I'd have thought the same thing. I wouldn't do that to you. You're my friend."

You pulled her into a hug, before practically running into the clubhouse. You needed to be with Juice. You made it to his room in record time. Gemma was in there, wiping sweat off his face.

"Oh, Juan, what are you doing?" You choked out when you leaned over to kiss his face.

"Hey, baby. I tried to call you and went to look for you."

"Yeah, my phone died. I was out getting groceries. Thank you for taking care of him."

"Of course, sweetheart." She patted your hand and stood up. She'd give you some privacy with him.

You laid on the bed next to him and tugged him so he'd curl up with his head on your chest. You held him close as you whispered to him.

"Juan, I love you. You are the smartest, sweetest, funniest man I've ever met. You make me happier than I ever knew possible. I'm so incredibly in love with you. I can't imagine my life without you. Please don't leave me like this."

He shifted slightly, but his eyes stayed shut. You laid there, holding him to you, whispering about how you loved him. After awhile, you fell asleep with him still on your chest.


You opened your eyes when you heard Juice whisper.

"Oh, Juan. You scared me so much. Please never leave me. I love you more than anything."

"I'm sorry, baby. I wasn't trying to kill myself. Shit has been really fucked up with the club, so I took a couple pills to try to just relax. I guess I got too high, because I ended up taking a couple more when I couldn't really feel the first two working. I swear I wasn't trying to OD. I wouldn't do that to you. I just didn't want to feel all the stress and anger that the club has been full of lately. I just wanted to feel nothing for a couple hours."

"Oh, baby. I'm sorry shit's been so bad. You gotta talk to me when you feel like this. You know I'll always do anything for you. If you wanted to take a couple pills and relax, you do that with me. You let me take care of you."

"I'm so sorry, baby. I am. I am so in love with you. I'd never try to leave you like this. Never. I want to be with you forever. I'm sorry I fucked up."

"Shhh, it's ok, baby. We'll deal with it together. Alright?"

He nodded, eyes sad when he looked at you.

"I'm just glad it's not what I first thought."

He looked at you, confused.

"When I let myself in, you were shirtless and asleep on the bed, and Lyla was walking out of your bathroom. I thought you'd cheated on me."

"Oh, baby, no. I'd never do that to you. Ever. I don't know why Lyla was in here, or why my shirt is off."

"She was taking care of you. The guys found you, and took off your shirt because you were sweating so much. She has some experience, and was looking out for you. We talked about it."

"Baby, I can't say I'm sorry enough. I really fucked up."

"You don't have to apologize. We just get you feeling better, and you promise if you ever feel like you need this again, you come to me. I get wanting to take something and be numb for a little while. You do that with me, when I can keep an eye on you and make sure you're safe. Promise me, Juan."

"I promise, baby. Never like this again."

You tilted his head up and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

"Can you stand up, baby? We need to get you in the shower. Pretty sure you puked on yourself."

He gave you a sad look. "I'm sorry, baby. Yeah, I think I can stand. I can do this."

"I'll help. Ok? Let me help you. Let me take care of you."

He smiled softly and nodded. Once you'd gotten him up and into the shower, he started to look better. Once he was clean, dressed and teeth brushed, you asked if he wanted to stay here for awhile, or if he wanted to go home. When you said home, he looked up at you, slightly confused.


"Yeah, home. I want you to move in with me. That's actually why I was here yesterday. I was coming to ask if you would."

"I'd love to. And I'd like to go home. I need to be away from here right now."

"Let's go home, baby."

Loving Juan CarlosWhere stories live. Discover now