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Luke's P.O.V:

The room is completely dark.

"Y/n?" I ask with a yawn. Then reality comes crashing in again landing heavy on my chest, the weight I can only compare it to elephants.

I curl up in a ball clutching Ketchup in my arms. God dammit, why is sleeping so blinding? I forget everything. A knock makes me fidget slightly.

"Y-Yes?" I stutter out, still trying to collect and control my thoughts. Dove walks in and her forehead is creased with concern. "Are you alright? You remembered?" She asked closing the door and kneeling beside my bed made for one.

"How'd you know?" She rubs the back of one of my hands soothingly. "When one is assigned to another they share something like a censor I guess you can call it. Kinda like Spiderman with his spidey senses." I chuckle dryly. I do get it.

"I didn't know I could sleep." Dove nods, "It's to recharge your energy. You can eat too but you don't really need it." We sit in silence for a bit with her rubbing my knuckles in small circles.

"Dove, how'd you end up here?" She stiffens, her rubbing faltering. "I don't know if I should tell you that much Luke." I sit up and look at her with a slightly raised eyebrow. "Please?" Dove looks down and then sits next to me.

I place Ketchup in her arms and she breathes in.

"Luke I will tell you over time, that topic is hard for me to talk about. It would be easy for you because you don't exactly remember your death. But I remember every detail." She says rushed and nervously picks at her thumb. I stare at the motion. Y/n would do that sometimes. Mainly when she was nervous about asking something though.

Dove then holds her hand out to me, "Luke I have decided to help you return you to the mortal world. This is forbidden but, you don't belong here just yet. I believe they had messed up with the time of your death. Believe me, when I died they gave me a list of who I'd guide. I feel like your death was too early, so I will help you." I jump and pull Dove into a suffocating hug.

"I guess your not too good of a girl after all." She giggles and pulls away. "Good girls are bad girls who haven't been caught Luke, remember that." I grin and get up. "So, what's first?"

Dove gets up and walks to the door. "We have to get all of your friends and at least one family member to remember you, I know this because someone attempted this and ended up being sent down to Hell for trying to break the rules. His story was leaked to one the Guardian Angels, in fact to my friend Cardinal who gave me the rules this morning when I decided to help you."

My jaw drops slightly, I don't really care how she found the information but I'm mainly worrying on how the hell I'm going to get Michael, Calum, Ashton, Y/n, and my mom and possibly my brothers to believe I'm somehow still existing in some other world.

Dove smiles and pats my back, "If you worry too much Luke you'll never get anything done in life...or the afterlife." She mumbke stage last part thinking I didn't hear.

I just exhale the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I mentally count to three. 1...2...3... I open up my door and see the sun hasn't even came out yet. It's still night. I look at Dove, "The Midnight Train has already finished it's courses for the night." Dove grins, "Oh yes it has but I contacted the conducter and he is willing to help us in secret."I nid happily. Wait, there's a conducter?

We carefully walk outside, well I am. Dove is just nonchalantly walking through while I'm cautious. She looks over at me a few times and bites her lip to keep from laughing.

The whole time I'm just imagining what will happen if I'm brought back. Will Y/n still love me and would the guys still see me as a friend and still care for me? Will everyone move on like they probably did?

Would anyone remember?

I want to ask Dove all this but I've learned she's not so great with asking questions. Why that is, I do not know exactly. She seems jumpy in the subject of her death, well then again who wouldn't be uncomfortable talking about their fate.

I know I would be, if u could remember how exactly I died. This is I should ask Dove too but she'd probably avoid that too, well maybe she should avoid it.

I'll ask her after this is all done and over with. If I have enough time to ask her and if we don't get caught.

"Here we are." She whispers slow and low. She ducks down, carefully walking to the faint outline of the well hidden Midnight Train while hunched down. I follow in her style and press go against the train when we get to the open doors.

We sit inside and the doors quickly close, the train slowly inches away and then quickly takes off.

Dove walks around and her hand traces lightly over a few seats. One seat she lingers on for just a split second then she seems to realize it and walks off to another and grips onto a gold colored pole to keep herself up.

With her back to me, I steal a glance at the seat she lingered on.

"Aurene Taleyah Curtis" it says on the small oval plate in script. The gold if the plate looks like it has never touched. Did she know this girl?

Dove suddenly turns around, "Luke, what was your life like? Was it hard or easy or maybe in between?" I'm taken back and blink. "Ugh, Dove?"

"I just wanna know." She sits on the ground and plays with her necklace. "I'm not so experienced with living. But I'm experienced with afterliving. So I just want to hear your point of view on life." Not experienced?

"I, um, liked it. I had a great family and friends. Also I had a great girl, she made my life all more valuable than gold." Dove looks up.

"Yeah more valuable than gold. Her y/h/t hair was so unique in it's own way. Her y/h/c hair was something I could stare at forever and made me crave to touch it while we watched a movie together. Oh her eye too, one of a kind, well at least to me." A memory of Y/n smiling at me pops up into my head.

"Her smile so bright and loving. Her hugs so cozy and her kisses so intoxicating. I would give up anything for another one. You should've heard how she laughed. She hates it, but it's the greatest noise in the world. In my world and on this world we call Earth." Dove crawls I over and sits in front of me with her eyebrows creased intently.

"I know I'm rambling about her and not my life but she was and still is my life." I choke out as I see us in my head. Y/n hair shining in the sun's setting light. Her giving me late night kisses and her laughing when I am as awkward as can be. My heart feels like it has literally cracked.

I knew I was totally addicted to Y/n from the start but I never thought me being this far away would make me realize how much I truly loved her. It has opened my eyes that I'm practically a lost boy without her.

Dove breaks the silence. "I'm sorry Luke. I mean it." She stands up and sits at the farthest end of the car. Leaving me to try and heal my heart quietly.

I will come back to here. My unbeating heart seems to uncrack a bit, I will hold her again and I will kiss her again. It seems to heal.

I stand up as the train stops at her house. "I will be with you again." I whisper as my heart is almost healed but not quite 'cause when does a broken heart ever really heal?

Dove walks off with me as I hear laughter.

Mikey and Y/n are smiling watching a movie and eating a second box of pizza.

I smile.

"What a way to kill two birds with one stone."

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