General Dating Headcanons-Kyoko Kirigiri

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.You two would single handedly consume all of the tea and coffee your country has to offer
.Kyoko is a workaholic, and you often have to make sure she's not over working herself
.Will not take a break unless you make her
.all of the gifts she gives you are very thoughtful. Signed copies of your favourite books, boxes of your favourite tea, flowers
.She's a very quiet lover. She does lots of things for you, but she prefers to keep it quiet as opposed to screaming her love for you to the world.
.Every time you fall asleep on the couch, you're magically covered with a blanket when you wake up
.You never run out of your favourite snacks
.Nor your favourite Cologne or perfume
.She has all of your favourite things memorized
.As well as everything you don't like
.Very gentle touching from Miss Kyoko
.Will lightly cradle your face in her hand, put her hands on your shoulders and kiss the top of your head
.Always ready to help you work through any problems you may have
.She's great at picking apart feelings to help you get to the root of your problem
.She is so proud of you, and always encourages you when you're feeling down
.Woman is CRAZY successful, so you do often have to tell journalists and reporters to leave you guys alone
.has the world's prettiest smile
.She is always very calm and in control. She is a very comforting presence to have around
.Not much of a singer, but will hum Lullabies to you if you ask her very nicely
.Her hair is so soft. So so soft
.Usually not one for nicknames, but if you call her "Yoko" she'll blush
.Will help you up your self care and fashion game
.Keeps a very detailed and organized agenda. Never misses an event, anniversary, etc
.QUEEN of random facts.
."Dear, did you know your right ear is better at hearing speech, but the left is better at hearing music?" " I didn't."
.Used to be very uncomfortable talking to you about her past, or letting you see her hands
.You tear up every time she talks to you about her father
.You always hold her bare hand tightly to tell her that she means everything to you, and you love her no matter what
.It means a lot to her when you kiss her bare hand
.suffers a lot from flashbacks of her past and the killing game
.will go very quiet, and may want your support, or may want to be left alone

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