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Yn's POV

After I was done with the nursery I went into my room to see if Eric was asleep. I walked in and saw that he wasn't in there. I went downstairs and saw that he was out by the pool. I went outside and saw him.

"Can we talk now?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. Whats up?" He responded.

"Changmin told me that you were worried about me and Mingyu." I said.

"Yeah I am." He said.

"Please explain to me why you're worried, Mingyu and I are just friends ok nothing else is going on between us." I say.

"Yn you lied to me about where you were going first off. You said that you were going to Mingyu's house to do your project and I see pictures of the two of you on Instagram at the mall. Second you've been distant from me all damn day. You barely talked to me this morning and then when we get to school it's like we never even met. You told Mingyu and Jihoon to sit next to you at the lunch table so I wouldn't. When you ran out of the cafeteria who was the first person to jump and go after you, Mingyu. Who was the person that Kristel and Izumi had to tell me was the only one to get you out and talk, Mingyu. I'm sorry if these things don't seem like red flags to you but they do to me." Eric explained with tears in his eyes.

"I would never cheat on you. I'm sorry for making you feel this way, but don't my feelings-" I said before getting cut off.

"Don't give me that shit Yn. I asked you multiple times if you were ok or if you wanted to go home and skip the day. Yes I get it you had a dream about me dying, but I'm not dead Yn there is no one else in this damn house who is going to shot and kill me. I get that you're paranoid about what happened so why can't you get that I'm paranoid about you cheating on me?" he yelled.

"Why would you even think that I would want to be with Mingyu anyway? Sure he's a great guy, but he's my ex's best friend, I couldn't do that." I questioned.

"Because he fucking likes you Yn, can't you see that. Oh and that's the other thing, why do I feel like you don't want to be with me anymore. Yesterday we were completely fine, but today has been hell." He answered.

"You know what I'm done." I said and turned away.

"No you wanted to talk so let's talk." Eric said grabbing my hand.

As I tried to get out of his grip I lost my balance and fell into the pool.

Henry's POV

"Dad what's going on?" Hyunjin asked.

I looked up from my lap and saw Doctors and Nurses rushing into Yn's room. I got up and ran over to them. Two of the doctors had to keep me from going in.

"Sir you can't go in there." One of them said.

"No please that's my daughter. Please just tell me what's wrong." I said still trying to get to the room.

"Sir we aren't authorized to tell you that. Please go back to your seat." The other one said.

"Please can you get my wife then." I said.

"Henry come on." Katie said grabbing my arm.

I followed Katie back to our seats.

"Henry Melissa is going to do everything she can to wake Yn up. We all need you to be calm." She said.

After an hour Melissa came up to us. Katie and I got up.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She went into shock. Now I know going into shock isn't a good thing, but we have reason to believe that Yn is in a dream state coma. We think that something in her dream triggered the shock so hopefully we get a response soon." Melissa said.

"Can we see her?" Katie asked.

"Give me a few to check with Dr. Lee, we've never had a patient survive that was in her condition for this long." Melissa answered.

Melissa walked away. Katie and I sat back down.

"Henry what are we going to do? I can't take this anymore. I can't sit here and wait anymore. I've been here for over a month waiting for her to wake up." Katie said getting up.

I grabbed her hand making her turn around.

"Katie listen to me you can't leave now. We finally got a sign of her waking up. We should be the first ones she sees when she wakes up. I know this past month has been hard for us, but we have to stay strong for her. Imagine seeing Yn smile, imagine hugging her again, imagine telling her you love her and her saying it back. That is why we have to stay strong." I said.

Tears started to form in Katie's eyes as she sat back down in her chair. I looked up and saw Yn friends.

"Mr. Kim is there any news?" Jihoon asked.

As I was about to respond Dr. Lee walked over to us.

"Mr. Kim, Ms. Jeon you may see her now, however please don't make any physical contact because anything could trigger her going back into shock." He said.

Katie and I nodded our heads as he walked away.

"We know that all of you want to see her today, but we just don't want to risk anything." I said.

Katie and I went into Yn's room. Her bed was a little messy and so was her hair because of the shock. I sat in the chair by the door while Katie sat in the chair next to Yn's bed. I was checking my phone when I heard movement on the bed.

"Katie you aren't supposed to be that close to her get off the bed." I said.

"I'm not on the bed." She said.

I looked up from my phone and saw Yn moving on her bed. I got up and walked out the door.

"Melissa? Dr. Lee? come quick." I yelled into the hallway.

I ran back into the room.

"Yn honey please wake up, please." I said.

Yn's POV

Darkness. That's all I see around me. Where is Eric?

"Yn honey please wake up, please." I heard my dad's voice say.

"Honey please come back to us." I heard my mom say.

I opened my eyes and saw a bright light. As my eyes adjusted to the light I looked to my right and saw my mom. I looked over and saw my dad as well.

"What happened?" I asked trying to sit up.

"No honey don't get up." My mom said.

"Honey you were in a coma." My dad answered.

A coma. Did it happen when I fell into the pool? I must've hit my head when I fell in.

"How long have I been in a coma?" I questioned.

"Almost two months." They answered.

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