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"Hey Yn wake up we have to get ready for school." Someone said.

I opened my eyes and saw Hendery.

"Ok. Where is the bathroom?" I said sitting up.

"We all have our own personal bathroom inside our rooms. Yours is right by the closet over there." Hendery said pointing to a door.

I looked at the door and nodded my head.

"Thanks." I said.

He walked out and went to go get ready. I got up and grabbed my uniform and walked into the bathroom.

After I got out the shower I went downstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen. They had this huge table that could fit like 40 people.

"Good morning Yn." Most of them said.

"Good morning guys." I replied.

There were a lot of open seats but I didn't know where to sit.

"Yn your food is next to Xiaojun." Taeyong said.

I nodded and made my way over to him. I sat down next to Xiaojun and started to eat my food.

"Yn do you mind if we drive your car?" Lucas asked.

"Depends on how many people are going to get in. I can only fit four other people in it." I said.

"The only person riding with Yn is Jaehyun, they have an assignment to do after school." Kun said.

Lucas and some of the others looked upset.

"How about some other time this week I take you guys out for a ride and we can hangout together." I said.

They all nodded. I finished my breakfast and walked to my car. I waited a awhile for Jaehyun. After a couple of minutes he came out the house in his uniform.

"You want me to drive or what?" He asked.

"Can I trust you with my car?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes you can. Now give me the keys." He said.

I have him the keys and we both got in the car. Honestly I think Jaehyun is a pretty cool guy. He has some traits that both Felix and Wonwoo had. I wouldn't consider dating him because one, I don't want a relationship right now and two, I've only known him for a couple of hours.

When we arrived at the school Jaehyun parked the car in the student parking lot. We got out the car and walked up to the school. Before we got to the main entrance Jaehyun stopped me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong. We should start acting like a couple now. That also includes hugging, holding hands, and kissing." He said.

"Do I really have to kiss you?" I asked.

"If you want to pull this off then yeah." He answered.

He grabbed my hand and we started walking to the main entrance. When we got to the doors of the school, Jaehyun let go of my hand and put his arm around my neck. We walked into the school building. The first thing I noticed when we walked in was everyone staring at us. We got close to my locker and I saw all of my friends.

"Hey that's your locker right?" Jaehyun asked.

"Yeah, but all my friends are right there so let's not go over there yet. You know what this would be the perfect time for a kiss, you know to make them question a lot of things." I said avoiding eye contact with any of them.

Jaehyun kept walking and we were walking straight towards my locker.

"I said I didn't want to come over here yet." I whispered.

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