Only You

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The door to the cafe was opened and Saint waited anxiously. His smile faltered when an unknown man stepped into his cafe. He took the man's order and proceeded to make some iced coffee for the man. The man paid for the coffee and left. Saint stared at the clock and he had another hour before he would close his cafe. It had been 2 weeks since Saint last saw Zee. He missed the man. He was embarrassed to admit that he missed him. Maybe he had hurt his feelings, or maybe he no longer cared. The door opened again but this time there were 2 office ladies. Saint smiled and greeted them. They took their seats and Saint's part time waiter took their order.

Saint carefully limped towards the juicer. The two ladies ordered some juice. Saint chopped some fruits and used the juicer. In the meantime, he took out a slice of cheesecake and put it on a plate. He grabbed a matcha flavoured cupcake and he immediately remembered how Zee abhorred the flavour. He put the cupcake on another plate and signalled for his waiter to serve the ladies with their cakes first. A few minutes later, the juices ordered by the ladies were ready. Saint put the two glasses of orange and guava juice on a tray. His waiter took the tray away and served them.

The cafe were half full. That was usual after office hour as people were rushing to head home. Saint hissed when he accidentally turned and his foot hit the counter. He made Simon angry again 2 days before. He forgot to cook the dish he requested because he was so busy at the cafe and when he went up to check on him for lunch; Simon pushed him so hard that he fell in the kitchen. He accidentally twisted his ankle during the fall. He was just glad that he was not cooking or there was anything hot in the kitchen. If not, things could get worse. Saint stared down at his ankle. The swollen had lessened but the pain was still there. He sighed and thought of Zee. He wondered where he could be. He was so focused on his ankle and thinking about Zee that he did not notice that a customer was standing in front of him.

"Are you going to stare at your ankle all day?" A voice brought Saint back to reality.

Saint slowly raised his head and a smile instantaneously formed on his face.

"Hi." Saint whispered. He could not believe how happy he was seeing Zee in front him.
"Hi... You okay?" Zee asked and Saint nodded.
"Have a seat." Saint said and Zee took a seat closest to where he was standing.
"What would you like today?" He asked Zee.
"You." Zee whispered so that only Saint could hear what he said.

Saint was a little bit shocked by Zee's sudden brazenness.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that..." Zee murmured but he smiled looking at Saint blushing.
"It's... It's alright..." Saint replied.
"May I have my usual and the same muffin from the other day if you have them." Zee said.
"As a matter of fact... We do." Saint smiled at him.
"You left before you had them." He added and he instantly regretted what he said as it reminded of what that had transpired. Simon choking him and Simon slapping him.
"Saint... Are you alright?" Zee asked him and he slowly nodded.
"You look... Pale. Are you sure?" He questioned him.
"I'm... I'm good." Saint reassured him.

    Saint stood there. He was nervous as Zee would see that he was limping but there was nothing he could do. He had to walk to the coffee station that was about a few meters away.

"Be right back." Saint said and carefully made his way to the coffee station.

    He could feel Zee's eyes on him. He tried his might not to be affected by it but it was easier said then done. His hands were trembling because he did not want to see Zee's reaction seeing him limping like that. Saint took longer to prepare Zee's coffee because he spilled a few things while preparing it. He was glad that he could serve Zee his favourite coffee when he finally was able to pour it into a mug. He braved himself and slowly turned around. Saint stopped at his tracks. Zee's eyes were filled a myriad of emotions. There was pity. There was pain. There was anger. There was regret. Saint neared Zee at the counter. He put the coffee in front him and Zee thanked him.

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