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Zee opened his eyes. He was at his mother's. He had been there with his mother since the incidence that happened between Saint and him. Zee found it funny that after all those years fooling around and running away from any commitment and the moment it reared its head; he had fallen for Saint. Someone who was not his. Someone who was a million miles away from his grasps. Someone who needed love, care and protection more than anyone in the world. Someone who might never ever be his. Someone who could be hurt and injured the ones whom he actually loved. His heart bled for Saint Suppapong.

Knowing that it was him who caused Saint to be hurt by Simon made it even worse. Saint's words kept echoing in his mind. Stop seeing Saint, so that Simon would not hurt him. Zee knew the man would still hurt Saint regardless of what he did. He would always find faults in Saint. He would find someone else or something else to blame. Zee knew that the abuse would not stop. He stared at the open window. The sun was high up in the sky. He wondered if Saint Cafe was opened that day or whether it was still closed. Whether Saint was hurt or whether he was...

    Zee's thoughts were disrupted by a loud song coming from his cell phone. He had not been answering calls from his siblings nor his friends. Joss's name flashed on the screen. Zee realised that he was not being fair to his family and friends. They cared so much about him but he just could not tell them what he was actually facing or feeling. Nevertheless, he continued to stare at his cell phone without doing anything. Joss had been his friend since elementary school. The man must be furious and worried about him. The ringing stopped and Zee felt relieved. Out of the sudden, the cell phone rang again. Zee sighed. Joss was relentless and Zee knew that. He sat up and grabbed the cell phone. He then pressed the phone.

"Hello?" Zee said.
"Zee buddy... Where are you?" Joss asked.
"Hi Joss. I'm at my mother's." He answered.
"How are you?"
"I'm alright." Zee replied.
"Zee... Pick up your phone when I call next time... I've been so worried!" Joss told him.
"I'm sorry Joss..."
"Buddy... Want to go out and grab lunch? We can go to your favourite place." Joss asserted.
"It's okay Joss... Thanks by the way... I have things to do." Zee lied to his best friend. He did not want Joss to see him in such a sorry state.
"Zee... You haven't been going to the office... I know cause I've been there and you my friend were nowhere to be found." Joss explained.
"You haven't been talking to your brothers too... We're worried about you." He continued making Zee feel a little guilty.
"I'm sorry... I don't mean to make anyone worried." Zee replied.
"Promise me that you will meet soon Zee." Joss requested.
"I promise Joss. Sorry I haven't called you lately." Zee told his friend.
"Or answered your calls." Joss muttered.
"If you need me... Just tell me Zee." He reminded his best friend.
"I will Buddy." Zee told him.
"Bye Zee. Take care."
"Bye Joss."

    Zee checked the time and it was close to noon. It had been 5 days since the day Saint begged him to leave him. It had been 5 days that the cafe had been closed. Zee was worried sick. He wanted to report to the police but that could be more detrimental to Saint. Zee left his bed and got into the bathroom. He stared at his reflection and he looked like hell. His mother had been with him every step of the way. His father knew about what was happening too and he was glad that both his parents were understanding towards him. Having said that he knew that he had to continue with his life whether he liked it or not. He had a life and his family who cared. Doing what he was doing was not fair to them. Zee brushed his teeth and then got into the shower.

    The warm shower made him feel so much better. Zee then put on his jeans and T-shirt after he left his shower. When he opened his bedroom door, he could immediately hear the ruckus from downstairs. He instantly knew whose voices were creating the noises. His brothers. He could distinctively hear Max and Nat's voices arguing with one another about who should get a bigger slice. He seemed to know what they were currently arguing about. Zee made his way downstairs and was greeted by his siblings stuffing their faces with pizzas.

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