Chapter 10

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George had been in hospital for a week and it was finally time for him to go home. They grabbed all their stuff and Dream took it to Hailey's car before walking George down. The doctors had removed George's bandages, revealing the stitches on the back of his head. As they drove towards his apartment, it started raining. The water droplets dripped down the windows and you could hear rain pattering against the roof. The brunette was resting against Dream's chest and the sound of the rain sent him to sleep.

Hailey dropped them in front of the apartment building and left. Dream had previously visited and cleaned up the blood. Once they got inside George headed to the bathroom for a shower and Dream set the table before going to the door to grab the food he arranged to be delivered. He wanted to surprise George with a fancy dinner after having hospital food for the last week. The last thing he did was change. 

George walked out of the bathroom to see Dream stood by his dining table wearing a black suit, matched with a dark green tie. The lights had been turned down and candles had been lit on the table. Dream's dirty, blond hair fell over his eyes as he walked over to the shocked brunette. He looked into his dark, brown eyes before grabbing his hand and giving him a quick kiss. He led him over to the food and they sat down.

"This is so good," George mumbled through the food in his mouth. 

Dream chuckled at how cute his boyfriend was. They finished their food up quickly and the conversation had moved to their childhoods and their families. Suddenly George jumped up out of his chair. He grabbed Dream's hand and dragged him out of his chair.

"What are you doing?" 

"Well we are obviously going to go play in the rain."

They ran down the stairs of the building and burst through the doors into the pouring rain. The water soaked through Dream's suit and he shook his hair out of his eyes before running beside George. They danced and spun around, occasionally bumping into each other. They were now holding hands as they laughed and splashed each other. 

Dream spun George around to face him, their faces were now a few inches apart and they were both staring at each other with smiles on their faces. 

"I love you Georgie"

"I love you too Dream"

The brunette stood on his tiptoes and their lips connected. The kiss was passionate and full of love, the rain splashed down around them and as Dream ran his hand down George's cheek he could feel the rain droplets against his cold skin. 

"I don't know what I would do without you George." 

George looked at the blondes perfect face, water dripped down onto his freckled cheeks, his wet hair was covering his eyes and his suit was soaked through. 

"Well I am not going anywhere anytime soon, I promise." 

They stood there for a while enjoying each others company until they both started shivering and they headed back to the apartment. They got out of their wet clothes and George stole one of Dream's hoodies. The sleeves covered his hands and it it went to just above his knees, when he went into his living room he saw Dream sat on the sofa laughing at him. The brunette went and cuddled into his side and together they fell asleep.


George woke up and he saw Zoe in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, confused.

"What do you mean, I am your girlfriend idiot," she snapped. 

"B-but I thought we broke up" he stuttered.

She rolled her eyes and walked out the room, muttering about how stupid he was being. George curled his knees up to his chest and started crying. Zoe came back to see him crying and got angry, she pulled of one of her shoes and threw it at him, shouting. She started grabbing random things and throwing them at him, screaming at him about how men shouldn't cry and how much of a baby he was.


George woke up, he saw Dream in front of him and he started to cry. The blonde quickly wrapped his arms around him and calmed him down. He explained what he dreamt about.

"It's okay, she won't hurt you again."

The brunette eventually calmed down properly and they turned on a movie because neither of them wanted to go back to sleep.

(807 words) 

It is finally the weekend and I am happy about that, I have like no homework and that is great. I will probably do another chapter tomorrow but it depends on how long it takes me to do the homework I do have.


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