chapter 4

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Dixie eventually fall asleep with Noah on the bed with her

Skip Thursday 5/7/17

Dixie then feel someone playing with her hair then she remembered noah is on the bed too

"Morning gorgeous " noah greeted Dixie

"Morning handsome " dixie replied back

"Wanna cook ?" Dixie ask noah

"Sure . What are we cooking " noah ask

"Uhhm idk . Let's see what we got in the kitchen" dixie said pulling noah out of bed

When they walk in the kitchen

They saw nayie sitting on the counter with her iPad and headphones on

"Morning momma" nayie said greeting her mom

"Hi babe . Have you eaten already ?" Dixie ask

"Yup . I ate cereal" nayie said

"ok great"dixie replied

"Ma,I got some extra curricular activities for today . The teachers said I need to stay until about 4-5 pm in school .is that ok ?" Nayie ask

"Yeah sure . If you want and ok with it its ok for me too " dixie said smiling at her little Creation

"And also my teacher said I can take a test for me to go to 3 gr - " nayie got cut off by a very shocked dixie that cause her to spit the coffee she drinking

"A-wat " dixie ask

"They said I could go to 3 gr bcoz I'm advance" nayie explained

"That good!!!" Noah said

"Thx" nayie said

"Ok so what does it take for you to do that do you need some permission for parents ? Or anything for me to sign ?"
Dixie said franticly

"Actually yeah . You need to go to school at 3 pm for a meeting with the teachers " nayie said

Dixie nods

"And pls bring noah " nayie said

"And why is that for ?" Dixie ask

"Coz I wanna let them know I have a dad . They always said I don't have a dad and he leaves coz he don't live me " nayie said that make noah awu

"Yeah sure . I'll come " noah said

"No . Noah its ok " dixie refuse

"No dixie I'm free for today " noah said

"You sure " dixie ask

"Yeah I feel her ' noah said

"THANK YOU !!" Nayie said in excitement then she goes hug noah

Noah's pov:

Woah this kid have the same childhood as mine

I've always a ask my dad for a mom but I can only lie and say that my dad's bestfriend is my mom

And eventually my dreams came true

They got married when I was in 6th grade

I was so happy to see her every time I'm awarded in school

And Im not being bullied anymore and being called as ' abandoned by my mom ' or 'no mom noah '

I'm glad kaylee (kay-lee) is in my life as my step mom

Dixie pov:

I felt so sad for nayie . She have always wished to bring her dad to school so she can show him off

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