chapter 10

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Dixies pov

Today is my first on the job as a medical volunteer

It's currently 7 am and I'm waiting for breakfast

"Wixie you exited ? " Kayla ask calling me by my nickname she gave me

"Kinda . But I'm nervous " I said

"You're gonna be ok dix. Don't forget you can always call me if you need help " she reassure me

"Ofc ik that " I replied

She put the plate down infront of me

Then i ate


Oh god here we go

I walk in the hospital to the front desk and the front desk lady greeted me

"Hello do you have a patient here ??" She ask

"No actually I'm the new medical volunteer " I said with a smile

"Oh . Are you dixie Jane Damelio ?" She ask

"Yeah " I answered

"Ok follow dr.monroe . She'll show you around " she said

Then I saw this blonde pretty girl

"You must be dixie " dr.monroe said

"Yeah and you're dr.monroe ?" I ask

"Yep .call me madi " she said then put her hands out for a hand shake

"Call me dix " I said

"K come dix " she said

Then proceeded to give me a tour around the hospital . She show me what I am gonna do here and help me with some stuff

"Do you know about the scholarship ?" I ask

"Yeah . I actually won it the last time " she said

"Wow . That's fun . Is it hard ?" I ask

"For me kinda . Idk for you " she said

"Ohh " I simply replied

"You need to meet some of the other volunteers " she said with a smile

"And also there is this really cute boy . The son of the owner of the clarence company " she said

"Wow . What is he doing here " I ask

"Well he said he wanted to be a volunteer " madi answer

I suddenly reminder of noah

Damn after a year this is actually the first time I think about him again

"What's his name ?" I ask

'pls be noah ' my brain said while I hide my fingers crossed

"His name is Timothy clarence " madi said

"Oh . Good " I said

Quietly disappointed

We walk in the room. The lunch area I guess

Then we meet the other volunteers

"Wheres the kid you're talking about " I ask

"Oh where's Tim?" Madi ask

"Hes in the shed " beatrice answer

"Ok great . Thanks " madi thanked her

"Come in dix . You need to meet him " she said while physically pulling me out if the door to the shed

When we walk in the shed

Hes sitting down with a magazine in hand

"Tim this is Dixie the new medical volunteer " madi introduce me to him

To my disappointment . It's not noah

He offered me a shake hand and I gladly accepted it

"Hi I'm Timothy clarence" he introduced himself

"Im dixie damelio " I said with a smile

"Ok well , let's go to work " madi said

Thank god she broke the silent

Am I really that stupid for thinking noah is real ?

Goddamn it dixie you're so stupid

The day went on as a medical volunteer

It's fun playing with children but I can't stop thinking of noah

            The end

Hell no .a new sequel coming :)

It's called "the hospital |•a dixie damelio fanfic " it's already up :)

Hello bitches . Ily .and again There will be a sequel book soon . Thx for reading . Vote comment and follow

Book 1 : Office | Dixie Damelio and Noah Beck fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now