chapter 8

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Dixie's pov :

August 22 2017

It's been a week since Last time i saw my happy and energetic little girl

Now, I'm just staring at her lifeless body inside a little casket

Noah and I haven't talk for about 5 days because of his mom

She said "you will never marry my son "

The broke me to the deepest

I also rejected my dad ,Kayla and charli for going to nayie's funeral

The funeral room is empty because I told everyone don't come

It just remind me that my life is basically gone

I'm so broken rn I just want to die

What would I do now ?

Nayie is gone

Noah's mom don't want us together

I'm pretty sure there will be no marriage for me and Noah

All of a sudden the door opened

I saw my therapist , dr.katalina jones

"Condolence, dixie" she said

She actually bacame my friend

I told her everything whenever I'm scheduled to go to my appointment

"Thx " I said

My eyes is red

My face have tears stains

And I'm a mess

"It's ok dixie . Everything will be fine " she said

"I don't know . You know she my life . She's my everything . You know that " I said

"I know . But dix you need some support from someone " she said

Then the door opened again

There I saw kayla

The woman that ruined my life

And family

"What are you doing here ? " I ask

"You need support dixie . I'm here for you , were here for you . I know how it feels like to lose a child . Remember when khalix died . That broke me to the deepest . And I know your probably thinking that you want to die or you deserve to die . No dixie you don't need to die . We love you ,I love you , your dad love you ,char- " I cut her off

I came running towards her and I saw her close her eyes because she thought I'm going to hit her

But she's wrong

I came for a hug

She hugs back

I saw charli and dad by the door

An the moment charli saw me she cried

And also hugged me

"Sorry dixie " she said

She's really sweet and nice . Her being sweet and nice is also annoying

They stayed with me for the whole day but eventually need to leave

"We'll come back tommorow " charli said with a reasuring smile

I smile back

When they leave it's just me and katalina

"Hey dixie . How's your diary ? " She ask

"It's fine" I said

"Can I read it ?" She ask

"Sure" I said passing her my diary

She said I need to write in my diary because of my schizophrenia

"Sorry dix but you need to take your meds " katalina said

" But I'll stop seeing them " I replied

"I know dix . But this is just another schizophrenic episode . You need to take your medication " she said

"But I want to be with them " I sis pleading

"Dix this is not real " she said

"This is just your imagination " she again talk

Then it all went black

"Her schizophrenia bacame worst ,mr.damelio " I hear someone said

"She made up her whole world inside her mind " she then speaks again

"She made this guy ,noah beck and she makes nayie still alive in her mind" she said again

"Who is noah beck ?" A unknown guy voice said

"Hes the guy she have always wanted . Handsome , gentleman and rich . She made him up to cope with the abuse she get from her boyfriend " she said

Why can't I open my eyes ??

"What did she made up about nayie ?" He said

"She made nayie still alive till the age of 5 . Made her one of the smartest student in her school . And she made her the perfect child she always wanted " she said

"And again she made it all to cope with the lost of her child " she said

I slowly opened my eyes and there I saw dad and dr.katalina

"Hi dixie " she said

"Where's noah ? . Where's nayie ?" I ask

"Dix nayie is long time dead . She died 4 years ago . Noah doesn't exist " dad said

"But nayie just died a week ago " I said

"No dixie she died last September 2013" he said

"No dad she just died " I said not listening to him

"Dixie let her rest " he said

"No!!. Where's noah ? . He'll explain it to you " I said

"Noah doesn't exist dixie " charli said

"Why aren't you taking your meds ?" Kayla ask

"Because they will be gone " I said

"Are you aware that all of that wasn't real ?" Kayla ask

"No. I swear ,kayla . It's real .he just proposed to me-" I said about to show the ring noah give me

It's gone

"Who take my ring off ?" I ask

"Dixie all those things wasn't real . Its just your imagination because you didn't take your meds for schizophrenia " dr.katalina said

"No it's real!!" I said

Surprise pikachu face

Hi bitches . There will be 2-3 more chapter . Are y'all shock about the plot twist ?? . Comment what y'all think what happened next . Ily


Book 1 : Office | Dixie Damelio and Noah Beck fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now