딸기와 꿈 Author's Note & Characters

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Author's Note:

This story was inspired by Taehyung saying he played the saxophone for more than three years and that if he had not been picked as a trainee by Big Hit he probably would have ended up being a farmer or a saxophone player.  As Yoongi's and Taehyung's hometown Daegu is famous for its apple orchards (and a sadly floundering textile industry) and Tae loves strawberries, I combined the two and the Kim farm is an apple orchard with greenhouses full of strawberries.

All sights and places mentioned in this story are real. You can actually visit them if you are in Daegu or Busan.
The imaginary Kim farm is situated on the outskirts  of Daegu; in the hilly countryside.

I love Amber Liu's Ready for the Ride which is the theme song for this story. 


This is a work of FICTION!!! It is NOT real. I merely borrowed the looks, the names and some character traits from actual living persons. The situations depicted in this story are NOT REAL, nor are the sexual orientations of any of the characters described here. 

Should  BTS or Big Hit Labels (aka HYBE aka formerly Bit Hit Entertainment) officially ban all fan fiction, then this story will disappear for editing and all instances of BTS and Big Hit will be removed.

MV Ready for the Ride - Written By Darren Smith, Sean Alexander & Amber Liu; Label Steel Wool Entertainment Release: 2019

Coverart by me (c)2021 - Pictures used:  Summer Package 2018 | Lotte Family Concert 2018 | various JJK photos


Taehyung identifies himself as asexual at the beginning of this story. He researches the net and this is the closest explanation he can think of that defines his kind of feelings towards sex and also attraction. The character just wants to make sense how and why he feels like does as his friends around him all seem to feel so differently. With them calling him an alien on top of it, he worries and tries to normalize himself by looking for a label. 


This work of fiction is intended for a 18+ audience only. It is for adult audience only.  It contains graphic language,  explicit content and adult situations.

Thanks & Acknowledgements

To my two wonderful friends, fellow writers and just ladies extraordinaires for editing and beta reading this little story. For your insights, your thoughts and love. 

Viv Jackson, real life author and editor. Find her books on amazon - I recommend her Wired science-fiction series

Em Hunter, best friend a woman can ask for. Fellow Japanophile, Schwester im Geiste.
Find her on AO3. https://archiveofourown.org/users/EmHunter/pseuds/EmHunter
あなたであることに感謝します。 日本のドラマや音楽の長い夜をありがとうございました。 本当に。 


"Okay," Jungkook breathed and looked around, desperate to find a topic they could engage in that seemed safe because in all honesty the image of Taehyung's mouth and strawberries did a lot of weird things to his insides. "So, you are playing the saxophone ..." Jungkook blurted out and closed his eyes for a moment.

So much for my oral fixation, he thought frustrated.

according to appearance

Strawberries & Dreams | Taekook |Where stories live. Discover now