CHAPTER 2: The Shining Beacon

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CHAPTER 2: The Shining Beacon

It's been two days since you've been in Remnant living with Ruby, Yang, and their "Four Mothers". You've gotten the hang of living here, finding what place you can go to, etc. This morning, you and the Rose/Xiao Long family are sitting at the table eating breakfast.

Summer: "(F/n), can I ask you something?"

(F/n): "What is it?"

Summer: "Where are you from?"

You and Ruby froze for a bit. Ruby knows where you're from but her family doesn't. Summer notices how Ruby froze a bit.

Summer: "Rubes, what happened in that room with Goodwitch and Ozina?"

Ruby: "He rather not..."

(F/n): "It's okay Ruby, I'll tell them."

Raven: "Tell us what?"

(F/n): "I'm sure you won't believe me, but I'm not from here."

Tia: "Well we know that..."

(F/n): "I meant I'm not from here here."

Yang: "What are you saying?"

Ruby: "*sighs* He means he's not from Remnant at all."

Yang: "Wait what?"

Summer: "Are you saying you're... From another world?"

You nodded. There was a few seconds of silence that occurred until Quill started cracking up.

Quill: "Hahahahahah, that's a good one there (F/n), hahahahahahah."

The whole table stood silent as they look at Quil. Soon you pull your phone out and slid towards her. She looks at it and sees an app known as YouTube, she scrolls down through the list of recommendations.

Quill: "Medal of Honor: Above & Beyond - Recreating Hot Fuzz in Oculus VR by... VanossGaming, Call of Duty: PAINTBALL WARFARE by... M3RKMUS..."

(F/n): "We call him Merkmusic or Merk."

Quill keeps scrolling until she reaches a video that has her shocked to oblivion. What Quill is seeing right now is an episode of a web series called "RWBY"

Quill: "Girls, come look at this."

Raven, Tia, Yang, and Summer got up and looked at your phone, and they were shocked with their jaws dropping. They all look at you.

Summer: "You weren't kidding?"

(F/n): "...*nods* I came from a planet called Earth. And you all exist as a fictional web series. With now eight volumes released."

Yang: "So you knew us, before we know you, right?"

You nodded.

Yang: "Do we at least have fans that like the show."

(F/n): "Definitely. But some things don't add up to this universe compared to mine."

Summer: "Like what?"

(F/n): "Let's state the obvious. Quill and Tia are not women, they're men. Raven left Yang after childbirth, she didn't stay."

Yang: "What."

Raven: "Oh, you know that I'll never leave you without a good reason."

You then turned to Summer and said, "And you."

Summer: "What is it."

(F/n): "In this universe, Tai was killed, and Tia married Raven. But in the show, Tai IS still alive, but you... You're not here anymore."

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