Chapter 1

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Kevin jolted to as the bus rattled down the road hitting as many bumps and potholes as the driver could find. The redhead sent a murderous glare at the driver, muttering under his breath about needing the snot beat out of him. With a sigh, Kevin wiped sleep from his eyes. 4 hours and a train ride later, Kevin was ready to jump out of the monstrous vehicle he had been shoved into once off the disturbing train and hitchhike his way back home.

"I wouldn't if I were you." The bus driver would say every time Kevin got the will to pick up his backpack and plan out his escape.

After the third time the red head realized it wasn't just a good eye, the man behind the wheel was like him.

There was a strange power that probably cut him off from regular society. He sighed, glazing out the window as a large boarding school was beginning to come into first view.

There was a sudden weather change the closer they got to the school. What had once been sunny blue skies with puffs of white clouds, soon became dark depleted storm clouds, grey skies that threatened rain and thunder.

'This should be fun.' He thought as the bus came to a stop in front of the school. Kevin took a moment to gaze up at the school, taking in the majesty the old brick building seemed to hold.

"Hey! Kid! Move it. I got more important things to do then wait for you to memorize the school."the bus driver's voice pulled Kevin back to the reality of things. He was not there to appreciate the architect. With a sigh Kevin got up from his seat and quickly grabbed his belongings.

"Thanks for the lift old man." He gave the driver a smirk as he stepped off the bus. In minutes the bus was gone and Kevin was left to his own devices, or so he thought.

The redhead had just started to make his way up to the building when a voice stopped him.

"Excuse me. Are you Kevin James Barr?" The voice was soft and timid, much like the speaker.

"Yeah I'm-" Kevin cut himself off as he turned around to get a look at the speaker. The teen before him had a classic nerdy look, he wore glasses that framed his face, a button up shirt beneath a red sweater vest, and a black beanie adorned his head, all tied together with a pair of black skinny jeans. Kevin felt under dressed compared to the little nerd and shifted from one for to the other. Kevin rubbed the back of his neck, he was glad at least that to have his favorite hat.

"Hello? Earth to Mr. Barr." The teen nerd placed a hand in Kevin's shoulder and gently shook him.

"What." Kevin blushed as he focused back on what was being said to him. "Uh... sorry I must of zoned out."

A small smile touched the smaller males features.

"It is no problem. As I was saying, my name is Eddward Vincent, you may call me Edd, or Double D as my friends do. I'm the welcoming committee chairman. I am here to show you around the school, help you find your dorm, and anything else you may need of me as a new student."

Kevin's mouth twitched into a smile as he thought of the double meaning Edd's words could have held. "It's nice to meet you Edd."

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