chapter 4

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Kevin stood in front of the class and groaned. Even here he was forced to introduce himself. "Hello... My name is Kevin. I use to live in a suburb called peach creek." He looked at the teacher as though to ask if he could sit down.

"And tell us Kevin what mutation has brought you here?" The teacher, a humanoid lizard, asked. Kevin scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Uh well i have photographic reflexes... accelerated healing." The teacher nodded and gestured to a desk near the back. "Oh and i can wall crawl."

The class started at him in silence for a moment before hushed whispers caused Kevin to squirm uncomfortably.

"My goodness... That's astonishing.. Uh please take your seat. Nathan! Introduce Kevin to our latest chapter. Class I'll return momentarily." The teacher said as he left the room. Nat, as he had been pretending to sleep, jerked his head up and have Kevin a grin.

Kevin settled into his seat behind his roommate. Most of the class still had their eyes on him.

"Bro... what's with everyone?" He asked looking up at Nat.

The teal haired boy laughedas he turned around in his chair. "No one here has more then two powers. People  with more powers are normally placed in the 'special' classes." Nat smirk.

"Me for instance i can shape shift and my senses go into over drive. The blonde next to you, miss Nazareth" the blonde looked up from her work and gave Kevin a smile. "Can walk, run, skip, jump, and whatever else through walls."

The blonde shrugged. "Call me Nazz. And dude, that's nothing." She pointed to the front of the room at a smaller female with red hair. "Thats Sarah up there, and the boy next to her is Jimmy . Sarah can throw a sonic scream, and Jimmy can self detonate."

Kevin nodded taking the information in. A thought came to him as he digested what had been said. He turned to Nat. "So what about Double d? He's in the special classes right? So... What powers does he have?"

Nat gave Nazz a meaningful look that went over Kevin's head. "I don't think we should be the ones to tell you... Double d kind of... sensitive about his powers." Nazz shrugged at her explanation.

Kevin sighed probing his elbo against the desk. "Got it." He leaned his chin in his hand. "So who can you tell me about?"

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