Hoodies and Night Skies II

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"Camz?" Lauren called out, looking for the brunette.

After accidentally hitting Lauren with the waterballoon, the raven actually joined in the fight and ended up teaming up with Camila.

It was currently March 3rd, 11:45 pm. Surprisingly, with Lauren, they finished the whole 22 things to do, Except for the last one.

23. Bring Camren back together.

"In here Lo." Camila replied, she was silently sitting and looking at the stars. The view of the sky was beautiful. But to Lauren, Camila was still the most beautiful view.

"Hi, I got your highly requested hot choco." Lauren smiled, sitting down beside Camila. She was holding two mugs in her hand, and a smile plastered on her face.

"No, let me." Lauren chuckled when Camila reached for the other cup in her hand. The raven placed the other mug down and gently grabbed a handkerchief from her pocket, before wrapping it aroud the mug.

"Lo, it's a mug. It has handles." Camila chuckled.

"I know, but you don't just like holding the handles. You like holding the body as well." Lauren smiled. Camila felt her heart speed up it's beating pace.

"You still remember?" Camila ask-mumbled. Lauren looked up at the stars and smiled before nodding.

"How could I forget it? Your antics are what I loved about you. Your face is just a bonus." Lauren said, Camila smiled before gently scooting closer to Lauren and resting her head on the raven's shoulder.

"Are you cold? I got blankets." Lauren smiled sweetly holding the blanket beside her.

"Kind of, but it's fine. You're very warm." Camila smiled, taking a sip of her beverage.

"Then I guess, I'll keep you close and wrap the blanket on us." Lauren smiled before fumbling over the material and covering the two of them.

"Is that my hoodie?" Lauren chuckled, Camila smiled before shaking her head.

"My favorite hoodie." Camila teased.

"Uh-huh, sure." Lauren chuckled. Yet deep inside, she felt extremely happy that Camila had something to remind her of Lauren.

"So, it's my last night tonight." Lauren said softly, looking at Camila in her arms.

"I know, I realized I never really thanked you yet. So thank you for doing this Lo." Camila smiled.

"May I ask?" Lauren asked shyly, Camila smiled.

"You're already asking, but go on." Camila giggled.

"Why did Dinah suddenly ask me to see you? After all these years, why now?" Lauren asked, there was a hint of pain in her voice it was very obvious that a part of her is still moving on.

"Well, why did you agree to see me?" Camila asked back, Lauren remained silent before answering.

"Dinah told me you're leaving, and that they planned something for you before you leave." Lauren shyly responded.

"I didn't even know Dinah went to ask you, honestly." Camila chuckled.

"She did. With all honestly, I didn't wanna go. But a part of me keeps on telling me I should, Until the night before your birthday. I was hesitant at first, because it's been nearly three years since we last talked. So I thought it would be akward, but Lucy told me it won't be." Lauren honestly admitted, Camila gave a small smile before nodding.

"That answers your question Lo." Camila smiled, closing her eyes and savouring the moment.

"Damn smooth." Lauren chuckled.

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