Wake up

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Meanwhile with Finn waking up:

Finn:Uhggg I'm so hungover Q (pinches his eyes)

Rachel:I'm not Quinn

Finn:(opens his eyes and jumps out of bed)Why I'm am I naked

Rachel:We did it last night

Finn:We what I have a fiance!

Rachel:A fiance

Finn:Yeah a fiance!  Were you drunk last night


Finn:And you had sex with me I'm with Quinn

Rachel:She wasn't there

Finn:Get out of my house I'm going to get changed

Rachel:Fine (gets her clothes on then goes down stairs)Oh hello Carole

Carole:Get out I already know

Finn:(comes down)

Carole:How could you Finn you have a fiance who is carrying your child and you cheat on her!

Finn:I'm sorry I was drunk and (sees the ring on the table)No no she already where is she

Carole:I don't know

Finn:Where is she

Carole:Can't tell you

Rachel:She's probably at San's

Carole:Don't go she's going to need time

Finn:She's my fiance

Carole:Not so sure about that when she left she said give it to Rachel

Finn:How could you do this Rachel and mom why didn't you stop her

Carole:She was mad

Finn:(gets in the chimney and goes to Santana's)

Maribel:Wow Finn why are you here where's Quinn

Finn:Isn't Quinn here

Maribel:No get out

Finn:Oh (goes back to his house)She's not there mom I screwed up I really screwed up

Meanwhile with Quinn:

Santana:Okay how about Jake

Quinn:To popular

Santana:Unpopular names got it Beckett and you can call him Beck

Quinn:Beckett Russel doesn't sound good

Santana:The number 1 name used with Beck is Christopher I know that's what you were going to name him

Quinn:He'll have 2 middle names then Russel and Christopher



8 months later:

Quinn:I've been so lonely without San lately or anyone

Maribel:I know are you going to ever go back to school

Quinn:No I need to raise my son and public school isn't really that bad


Quinn:(rubbing her stomach)Beck please stop kicking me oww I said stop

Maribel:Quinn I think we should start timing them

Quinn:It's fine

Maribel:Quinn your due tomorrow


5 minutes later:


Maribel:5 minutes

Quinn:What does that mean

Maribel:To the hospital


Maribel:5 minutes and you go to the hospital your having a baby

Quinn:Like right now

Maribel:Yes let's go get your things

Meanwhile with Finn and Kurt:

Kurt:Finn stop it stop drinking


Kurt:Finn what's wrong with you!

Finn:A lot Kurt

Kurt:You need to stop!


Kurt:I don't want to see you drunk again

Finn:I want to get drunk I don't want to get up in the morning


Finn:Quinn's due tomorrow I could already be a father and I don't know I I'm not there I'm not going to be there when he says his first word or crawls his first steps I I don't know anything about my own son because I was drunk

Kurt:Exactly stop Finn

Finn:I just want to know is my son okay is she keeping him if Quinn is okay and clothed and has food and a roof over her head

Kurt:Finn you just have to wait

Finn:I don't want to

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