Chapter 1

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Girl 1: Chase?! you wanna sit with me?

Girl 2: Come on Chase, I left a seat just for you!

Girl 3: ''He's mine!'' the girl shouted

Girl 1: NOO, he's mine! 

 Chase tried to walk wanting to ignore them, but these girls get what they want.

Girl 2: Chase? *putting her finger on Chase's neck* I know you want me!

Chase tried to get the girl's hand off him, but then more girls stared touching him.

Girl 4: I love you Chase you know that?

Girl 5: Oh Chase? Look at meee!

All the girls: Chase? Chase? Chase?! CHASE!!!

Chase managed to find a boys' toilet and went inside,

Chase: Few!

He slid to the floor, panting.

Marshall: Oh hiding from the girls again?

Chase: What do you think?

Marshall:  Your a woman magnet!

Chase: ''Lucky me!'' Chase said sarcastically,

Marshall: All the girls are crazy for you! and you don't even like any of them!

Chase: Because they just want that imaginary money! not love! MONEY!

Marshall: Wait, what?!

Chase: Ok long story short, my uncle ( the crazy guy) came to our school wearing a fake gold necklace and told one of the girl's that it was real gold and said that my family are secretly really rich, and now every girl wants me! FOR THE MONEY!

Marshall: Can't you just tell them that you are not crazy rich and that your uncle is crazy?!

Chase: I did! like millions of times! but they just don't listen!

Marshall: Well todays Friday, soo no school, and no girls!

The school bell rang,

Chase: ''Finally!'' Chase said relief,

Marshall: C'mon lets go home.

They walked out and saw all the girls stare at them, as their prey.

Marshall: Just keep walking buddy, just keep walking...

They managed to get out of the school property without anyone bugging them.

Ring, ring ring ring

Chase: Oh my mum's calling.

Chase answers the phone,

Chase: Hey mum, we are coming home!

Chase's mum: Yes I know sweetie! It's just we got another message from your head teacher(principal) 

Chase: Oh not this again!

Chase: I'm sorry mum, it's just all the girls are crazy for me ever since uncle Jerry told them about that money lie.

Chase's mum: It's alright. we are just gonna talk for a bit though, anyways I'll see you when you come back home. Bye Chase bye Marshall.

Marshall: What do you think she wants to talk about?

Chase: I don't know. We just have to wait to find out.


Chase: Mum! we're home!

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